'/api': {target: env.VITE_NODE_ENV==='prod'?'https://***.com':`https://***.com`,changeOrigin:true,secure:false,bypass(req, res, options) {constproxyURL = options.target+ options.rewrite(req.url)console.log('proxyURL', proxyURL) req.headers['x-req-proxyURL'] = proxyURL// 设...
Proxying other Vite server's WS connection is possible because other Vite server would have a different randomid. fixes #17973 feat: proxy bypass with WebSocket 5de9ed9 sapphi-red added p2-edge-case regression breaking change labels Sep 10, 2024 stackblitz bot commented Sep 10, 2024 Run...
server: { proxy: { '/api': { target: 'http://localhost:3333', changeOrigin: true, bypass: (request) => { const post = request.method === 'POST'; const put = request.method === 'PUT'; if (post || put) { request.method = 'GET'; } if (post) { request.url = '/mocks/...
4. proxy 使用 http-proxy。完整选项详见 此处.案例:proxy: { '/rest': { target: 'http://my.web.com/', changeOrigin: true, bypass: (req, res, proxyOption) => { console.log(`当前请求代理:${req.url} -> ${proxyOption.target}`); }, }, } 5. ts 文件报错?
server:{// 配置前端服务地址和端口port:8188,host:'',cors:true,// 设置反向代理,跨域proxy:{'/api':{target:'',changeOrigin:true,rewrite:(path)=>path.replace(/^\/api/,'')},'/media':{target:'',changeOrigin:true,rewrite:(path)=>path}...
{isVite:true,shotcut:'/static/img/favicon.png',}},title:'HMO 运营后台',},}),],define: {'process.env': process.env},server: {host:'liang.myweb.com',open:true, // 是否自动打开浏览器port: process.env.PORT || config.dev.port,proxy: {[API_LOCATION]: {target:'
1261 * @param options - Config object passed to the proxy 1262 * @returns Proxy object with handlers for `ws` and `web` requests 1263 */ 1264 static createProxyServer(options?: ServerOptions): Server 1265 1266 /** 1267 * Creates the proxy server with specified options. 1268 ...
{env.VITE_APP_BASE_API}`), '') }, bypass(req, res, options: any) { const proxyURL = options.target + options.rewrite(req.url) console.log('proxyURL', proxyURL) req.headers['x-req-proxyURL'] = proxyURL // 设置未生效 res.setHeader('x-req-proxyURL', proxyURL) // 设置响应头...
As the config shows, the proxy server enhanced client to bypass the cors in server. But I want to remove these configs and resolve the cors with different approach like: My startup.cs file: var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); var MyAllowSpecificOrigins = "_myAllowSpecif...
server: { open: true, // 自动打开浏览器 }, ... // 此处省略若干行代码 }) } 现在,我们在终端中输入npm run dev,片刻后就能自动打开浏览器了哈。 5.2、大家好才是真的好! 目前来说,改造完的vite版项目在我自己电脑上已经没有问题了。于是我决定向组员推广,可谁知却翻了车!7个人中有3个人无法顺利...