"dev": "vite --mode production" 这个命令用于启动Vite的开发服务器,但是它使用--mode production选项,这意味着尽管是在开发模式下运行,但它将使用生产环境的配置。这可能是为了测试生产环境的行为。 "build": "run-p type-check "build-only {@}" --" run-p是npm-run-all的一个命令,用于并行执行多个npm...
fix(define): stringify object parse error in build mode (#13600) (71516db), closes #13600 fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies (#13701) (02c6bc3), closes #13701 fix(esbuild): use useDefineForClassFields: false when no compilerOptions.target is declared (#13 (7ef2472), clos...
vite-plugin-remove-console - A vite plugin that deletes console.log in the production environment. vite-plugin-dev-manifest - Generates manifest.dev.json during dev server, for backend integration with any language/framework. vite-plugin-watch-and-run - Watch some files (glob) and trigger a ...
We finally reach theimportMapssection of the options. Use this section to specify the import map type and file names. The default behavior is to automatically import maps from the filesrc/importMap.dev.jsonwhenever Vite runs inservemode (when you run the project withnpm run dev), or the f...
Then you need to run your app in production mode.You have these options to achieve thatRun the code with NODE_ENV=production variable, either by inlining it with the command NODE_ENV=production node server.ts Or by using dotenv or other envs tool. Use ViteExpress.config() and set mode ...
The development server will automatically detect changes to your files and instantly reflect them in any open browser windows.Or, running the build command will version and bundle your application's assets and get them ready for you to deploy to production:1# Run the Vite development server......
默认:'development'用于开发,'production'用于构建 在配置中指明将会把 serve 和 build 时的模式 都 覆盖掉。也可以通过命令行--mode选项来重写。 main.ts中使用console.log(import.meta.env);查看 envDir 类型:string 默认:root 用于加载.env文件的目录。可以是一个绝对路径,也可以是相对于项目根的路径。
"serve:production":"vite --mode production", "electron:serve":"electron .", "preview":"vite preview --port 8878 --mode production", "build":"vite build", "electron:build.win":"npm run build && electron-builder --win --dir",
\n run = false;\n this.unsetMatchedCommand();\n }\n if (this.options.version && this.showVersionOnExit) {\n this.outputVersion();\n run = false;\n this.unsetMatchedCommand();\n }\n const parsedArgv = {args: this.args, options: this.options};\n if (run) {\n this.run...
Snowpack首次提出利用浏览器原生ESM能力的打包工具,其理念就是减少或避免整个bundle的打包。默认在dev和production环境都使用unbundle的方式来部署应用。但是它的构建时却是交给用户自己选择,整体的打包体验显得有点支离破碎。 而Vite直接整合了Rollup,为用户提供了完善、开箱即用的解决方案,并且由于这些集成,也方便扩展更多...