Projectname: » vite-react-ts-scss-ant_design(2) 选择React框架,回车 ?Selectaframework: » -Usearrow-keys.Returnto submit.VanillaVue>ReactPreactLitSvelteOthers(3) 选择数据类型,回车 ?Selectavariant: » -Usearrow-keys.Returnto submit.TypeScript>TypeScript+SWCJavaScriptJavaScript+SWC(4) 创建完...
其中一个是,双方使用了默认设置,对 Vite 来说也许不是最优解:Vite 使用了默认的、基于 Babel 的 React 插件,没有使用 RSC;另外还有小数点取舍的问题,Vercel 将 15ms 四舍五入成了 0.01s。 截图源自: Vite 的维护者认为这家“资金雄厚...
@vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh Expanding the ESLint configuration If you are developing a production application, we recommend updating the configuration to enable type aware lint rules: Configure the top-level parserOptions property like this: export default tseslint.config({...
As part of Vite 4, the Vue and React plugins have been extracted out of the monorepo. Although their release cycle will no longer follow Vite releases moving forward, Vite 4.1 is released in parallel with new versions of @vitejs/plugin-react and @vitejs/plugin-react-swc. @vitejs/plugin-...
Once you name your project, select React from the list of frameworks. After that, you can select either Javascript + SWC or Typescript + SWC. Once you created your project change directory cd into your project and run the following command: See also Flutter vs React Native: Difference You ...
当下,在项目开发的过程中,前端工程师们越来越离不开构建工具了,可以说构建工具已经成为了前端工程项目的标配。 不过,如今的前端构建工具可谓乱花渐欲迷人眼,有远古时代的browserify、grunt,有传统的Webpack、Rollup、Parcel,也有现代的Esbuild、Vite等等,不仅种类繁多,更新也很快。
Speed up your Vite dev server with SWC. Latest version: 3.8.1, last published: 4 days ago. Start using @vitejs/plugin-react-swc in your project by running `npm i @vitejs/plugin-react-swc`. There are 243 other projects in the npm registry using @vitejs/pl
不过 swc 目前对于自定义插件支持还不友好,因此如果强依赖了一些其他 babel 插件,那么 swc 下目前是很难对齐,因此我们也将该项能力标识为「试验性」。目前前端社区对于 swc 越加重视, 飞冰团队也在积极参与 swc 相关方案的讨论,相信在不远的未来我们可以使用 swc 完全替代掉 babel。
react- A JavaScript library for building user interfaces @ahooksjs/use-request/umi-request- 再见 axios!!! pont- 搭建前后端之桥 Java to TypeScript- 也许可以不用 Swagger 之类的工具,而是本地静态编译/远程git编译 Java 到 type script。 UI Frameworks ...
I am using yarn create vite to create a new react-typescript project with vite. There are two options in the template: @vitejs/plugin-react (Babel) @vitejs/plugin-react-swc (SWC) I want to automatically inject Intl message ID so this piece of code works: intl.formatMessage(...