1.添加server.host: ""选项。1.在server.proxy: { "/api/": "
1.添加server.host: ""选项。1.在server.proxy: { "/api/": "
When using typescript for postcss.config.ts I get the following error: 8:20:32 PM [vite] Internal server error: Could not dynamically require "/Users/Diatta/WebstormProjects/vite-postcss-tailwind-test/postcss.config.ts". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires optio...
fix: return 500 on proxy error only if possible (fixes #9172) (#9175) (d2f02a8), closes #9172 #9175 fix: server.proxy ws error causes crash (#9123) (c2426d1), closes #9123 fix: ssr.external/noExternal should apply to packageName (#9146) (5844d8e), closes #9146 fix: use corre...
这是vite.config.js server的配置 // vite.config.js export default defineConfig({ server: { host: '', port: 3060, proxy: { '/api': { target: '', changeOrigin: true, rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/api/, '') } } } }) 调用请求后target指向前...
Step 1 works:echo "Feature.enable(:vite)" | gdk rails c Step 2 I receive an error: bundle exec vite devyarn run v1.22.19error Command "vite" not found.info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. ...
1278 static createProxy(options?: ServerOptions): Server 1279 1280 addListener(event: string, listener: () => void): this 1281 on(event: string, listener: () => void): this 1282 on(event: 'error', listener: ErrorCallback): this 1283 on( 1284 event: 'start', 1285 listener...
+ InternalServerError: 500, + NotImplemented: 501, + BadGateway: 502, + ServiceUnavailable: 503, + GatewayTimeout: 504, + HttpVersionNotSupported: 505, + VariantAlsoNegotiates: 506, + InsufficientStorage: 507, + LoopDetected: 508, + NotExtended: 510, + NetworkAuthenticationRequired: 511 +...
internal-slot "^1.0.3" is-callable "^1.2.4" is-negative-zero "^2.0.2" is-regex "^1.1.4" is-shared-array-buffer "^1.0.2" is-string "^1.0.7" is-weakref "^1.0.2" object-inspect "^1.12.0" object-keys "^1.1.1" ...
internal-slot "^1.0.3" is-callable "^1.2.4" is-negative-zero "^2.0.2" is-regex "^1.1.4" is-shared-array-buffer "^1.0.2" is-string "^1.0.7" is-weakref "^1.0.2" object-inspect "^1.12.0" object-keys "^1.1.1" ...