vite-plugin-external-cdn vite-plugin-external-cdn 一款将依赖转换为 cdn 的 vite 插件,脱胎于 vite-plugin-cdn-import,由于 vite-plugin-cdn-import 停止维护,fork 了一份到本地,并对一些 bug 做了修复,做了开源。 安装: pnpmaddvite-plugin-external-cdn-D 使用: // vite.config.jsimportreactRefreshfrom...
External dependencies for specific modes.See more interop Type:'auto' Required: false Controls how Rollup handles default.See more enforce Type:'pre' | 'post' Required: false The value of enforce can be either"pre"or"post", see more at
import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' import vueJsx from '@vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx' import vueDevTools from 'vite-plugin-vue-devtools' import { visualizer } from 'rollup-plugin-visualizer' import externalGlobals from 'rollup-plugin-external-globals' // http...
See filter The files innode_modulesare filtered by default, and only transform js/ts/vue/jsx/tsx file. You can specify thefilterfunction. Returntruewill be transform to external. ...
functionnormalizeInputOptions(config){constoptions={// ...external:getIdMatcher(config.external)};return{options,unsetOptions};} 在getIdMatcher函数中有对config.external进行初始化流程 constgetIdMatcher=(option)=>{if(option===true){return()=>true;}if(typeofoption==='function'){return(id,
npm install rollup-plugin-external-globals -D vite.config.js里面配置 import externalGlobals from 'rollup-plugin-external-globals'; const globals = externalGlobals({ moment: 'moment', // 'video.js': 'videojs', // jspdf: 'jspdf', // xlsx: 'XLSX', react:react, react-dom:refact-dom }...
External dependencies for specific modes.See more interop Type:'auto' Required: false Controls how Rollup handles default.See more enforce Type:'pre' | 'post' Required: false The value of enforce can be either"pre"or"post", see more at
A simplified plugin for Vite that allows you to exclude specific dependencies from the Vite bundle during development. The following errors/warnings are supressed: The entry point [moduleName] cannot be marked as external Do not know how to load path: [namespace:moduleName] ...
yarn add vite-plugin-html -D 或 npm i vite-plugin-html -D 使用 在index.html中增加 EJS 标签,例如 <head><metacharset="UTF-8"/><linkrel="icon"href="/favicon.ico"/><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/><title><%= title %></title><%= injectScript ...