[cssInjectedByJsPlugin({dev:{enableDev:true,removeStyleCodeFunction:functionremoveStyleCode(id:string){// The 'id' corresponds to the value of the 'data-vite-dev-id' attribute found on the style element. This attribute is visible even when the development mode of this plugin is not ...
Combine this with the Vite build.cssCodeSplit CSS code splitting capability to build css into individual js files instead of using css links.. Latest version: 1.1.1, last published: a year ago. Start using vite-plugin-inject-css-to-js in your project by
To activate the plugin in the development environment as well, you need to configure a dev object and set the enableDev parameter to true. Here's an example: importcssInjectedByJsPluginfrom'vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js'exportdefault{plugins:[cssInjectedByJsPlugin({dev:{enableDev:true,remove...
Vite核心插件基本上是独有hook,主要用于配置解析,构建插件基本上都是Rollup的hook,这才是真正起构建作用的hook,而我们现在想要将获取构建好的CSS和JS产物并将其合二为一,所以编写的插件执行顺序应该在构建的插件执行之后,也就是“带有enforce: 'post'的用户插件”(输出阶段)这一阶段执行。 打开Rollup官网,里面的输出...
1 # vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js 🤯 2 3 A Vite plugin that takes the CSS and adds it to the page through the JS. For those who want a single JS file. 4 5 The plugin can be configured to execute the CSS injection before or after your app code, and you can also provid...
{var elementStyle = document.createElement(\'style\'); elementStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(';chunk.code+=JSON.stringify(styleCode.trim());chunk.code+=')); ';chunk.code+='document.head.appendChild(elementStyle);} catch(e) {console.error(\'vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js\', e...
{var elementStyle = document.createElement(\'style\'); elementStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(';chunk.code+=JSON.stringify(styleCode.trim());chunk.code+=')); ';chunk.code+='document.head.appendChild(elementStyle);} catch(e) {console.error(\'vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js\', e...
借助:https://github.com/marco-prontera/vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js,配置relativeCSSInjection为true即可。 以上便是一次在生产业务中的一次组件库多版本打包的实践,希望对你有帮助。 我是不换,我们下次再会!
1、执行 npm i vue3-xmw-table 命令 npm i vue3-xmw-table 2、在 main.ts 引入并注册 import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import router from './router' import ElementPlus from 'element-plus' import 'element-plus/dist/index.css' import Xmwtable from 'vue3-...
Unable to use @vitejs/plugin-legacypending triage #509 openedJan 18, 2025byericasun 7 of 9 tasks 'deep' is not recognized as a valid pseudo-class. Did you mean '::deep' (pseudo-element) or is this a typop3-minor-bug 🔨An edge case that only affects very specific usage (priority...