针对您遇到的docker build sh: vite: not found问题,我将基于提供的提示进行详细的解答,并包含可能的代码片段: 1. 确认vite是否已正确安装在Dockerfile中指定的基础镜像内 在Dockerfile中,您需要检查是否已经在构建过程中安装了vite。通常,vite是一个Node.js的开发工具,因此您的基础镜像应该是包含Node.js的。如果基...
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c pnpm build:serve && pnpm build:dev && pnpm prune --prod" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 Reproduction x Steps to reproduce No response System Info windows 10"vite":"^5.2.12", i am not use package.json y type:module vite.conf...
I got instead: sh: vite: not found Note: looks linked to#11968 Reproduction Not relevant Steps to reproduce To reproduce via Docker: docker run \ -e NODE_ENV=production \ --entrypoint sh \ node:18-alpine \ -c "npm create -y vite@latest my-app -- --template react && cd my-app &...
后发现,可能是docker配置文件的命令执行顺序问题,执行npm install 之后,没有等依赖下载完成,立刻执行了pm2-runtime index.js。 各位前后端或运维大佬们后面该咋搞?有没有可能打包生成dist后不需要下载依赖(尝试过,会提示import express from "express" express not found),或者docker流水线如何配置,或者其他的可能解决...
Docker 是一种开源的容器化平台,它可以让开发者打包应用程序及其所有依赖项,并将其部署到任何支持 ...
2、 docker build 构建称为一个镜像 3、 docker run运行镜像 4、 docker push发布镜像(DockerHub 、阿里云仓库) 在DockerHub中找一个镜像(centos为例) 点击后跳到一个Dockerfile 很多官方镜像都是基础包,很多功能没有,我们通常会自己搭建自己的镜像!
vite打包docker vite打包流程 目录 使用vite 将我的 单文件index.html打包 一:vite构建项目 配置base 二:路径别名 三:生产环境移除log + 跨域 vite.config.ts 完整代码: 四:引入element-plus组件库 cdn 安装命令 引入到vite.config.ts 使用在插件中 下载element-plus...
A simpledocker repocreated to demonstrate HMR of a Sveltekit + Vite app within a docker image / container, works out of the box with native Docker, does not with Rancher Desktop. It seems the external browser connects fine to the container (+ HMR port) but I think it's Rancher not reco...
(if you want to run vite as webservice you need to use in development environment, not recommended to production environment) To solve I have you 2 suggestions: 1 - You need to change your Docker Container environment to development so it will install dev dependencies while...
Experienced the same but I do not see why a global install should fix this. Vite is installed in the dev dependency of my project. Why would it look globally 👍12 👍 Comment options mmazanec22Jun 24, 2022 - For me this was an issue with how I was using docker compose. This stack...