如果您已经在 React 生态系统中熟悉了一分钟,您可能会认出 Create React App (CRA),从表面上看,它与 Vite 非常相似。 由于CRA 是由 React 自己制作和维护的,所以很自然地想知道这两种工具的比较。 税务局 大约七年前,React 设计并发布了 CRA,以帮助新开发人员更轻松地采用 React。 特别是,React 承认要使用 ...
It provides a lot of things built-in, it’s very popular, and its set of conventions avoids me a lot of analysis paralysis and decision making. But sometimes I just want to create a React app, maybe for a demo or to start a project, and I don’t need all the other stuff that Ne...
I've created a new React TS application using npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript and am not getting this issue. Looking at Vite documentation once again, they've got a stackblitz link that exhibits the same issue, so this means that this is not my environment that's the...
["vite.config.ts"] +} diff --git a/vite.config.ts b/vite.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1878226 --- /dev/null +++ b/vite.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { defineConfig } from "vite"; +import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"; +import * as path ...
Migrate from create-react-app to vite With the release of vue3, a new packaging tool Vite has been brought. As a member of the front-end, it is natural to experience it. Since React is used a lot in work, projects are basically created throughcreate-react-app(CRA). So how do the ...
1npx create-react-app my-app--template typescript This command will create a new React project using TypeScript. Next, you will need to install CRACO and Vite. 1npm install @craco/craco vite vite-plugin-react After installing CRACO and Vite, you will need to create a“craco.config.js”...
近期, React 团队正在更新 React 文档。期间,Vue.js 作者尤雨溪发布推特称,新的 React 文档应该向初学者推荐 Vite 而不是 CRA——或者如果需要使用 ESLint 或测试,至少也该推荐一个基于 Vite 的自定义模板(也应该使用 Vitest 而不是 Jest)。 Vite 是一个通用的构建工具,旨在为 VanillaJS、Vue、React 和 Svel...
在 Repl.it 上从零启动一个基于 Vite 的 React 应用,浏览器页面加载完毕的时候,CRA(create-react-app)甚至还没有装完依赖。 至于Vite 做了啥,生态如何,在业务项目中是否可以使用,我留一点悬念,留在后续讲解。(避免你看到这里就不看了,我的重头戏还没来呢。。。) “快” 背后运行的原理是什么?(Vite 做了...
当解析处理完路径后,我们需要解析vue的模板文件,(如果是react的jsx代码,同理) // 3. 解析.vue文件 ({ app, root }) => { app.use(async (ctx, next) => { if (!ctx.path.endsWith('.vue')) { return next(); } const filePath = path.join(root, ctx.path); ...
import{defineConfig}from"vite";importreactfrom"@vitejs/plugin-react";exportdefaultdefineConfig({plugins:[react()]}); Lastly, let’s add a few new npm scripts: "dev":"vite","build":"vite build","preview":"vite preview", Now, let’s start Vite’s development server withnpm run dev. ...