laravel 问题-Vite manifest not found at: 项目开始的时候需要检查package.json,这个问题是缺少vite相关组件造成的。 相关报错:npm ERR! missing script: build 解决方案 在package.json文件中写入 "scripts": { "build": "vite build", "dev": "vite", "serve": "vite preview" } 保存后 npm install 并...
Laravel Version: 9.19.0 PHP Version: 8.0.19 Database Driver & Version: mysql 8.0.29 Description: I just happen to start a new project today without knowing about vite and wanted to to a laravel jetstream livewire project. Im assuming its...
Describe the bug When I take the build from the Laravel project and put it on the server it gives me the following error: Vite manifest not found at: /home/***/domains/***.com/public/build/manifest.json And the only solution I found is t...
DynamicComponent Factory FileViewFinder InvokableComponentVariable View ViewException ViewFinderInterface ViewName ViewServiceProvider ViteManifestNotFoundExceptiondeprecated classViteManifestNotFoundExceptionextendsViteException(View source) deprecateduse ViteException...
今天学习了rsync的同步操作,本打算往服务器同步一些数据,于是报了一下错误: ➜ ~ rsync -r /...
plugins: [ laravel({ // ... }), manifestSRI(), ], });If required, you may also customize the manifest key where the integrity hash can be found:use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Vite; Vite::useIntegrityKey('custom-integrity-key');If...
Vite是一个由Vue.js团队开发的下一代前端构建工具,其主要特点是快速的冷启动和即时的热模块替换。使用Vite进行前端开发时,可以通过配置url-loader来处理静态资源文件。 url-loader是一个在Webpack构建工具中常用的loader,它可以将小文件转换为data URL的形式,或者将大文件拷贝到输出目录并返回相应的URL。通过配置url-...
vite-plugin-pwa是一个用于 Vite 项目的插件,用于添加渐进式网络应用程序(Progressive Web App,PWA)的支持。它提供了一组功能,用于生成 PWA 所需的 Web App Manifest 文件、Service Worker 和缓存策略。 配置示例: manifest:PWA 清单配置,用于定义应用程序的名称、简称、描述、主题颜色和图标等信息。
2 | import { createPinia } from "pinia";| ^ 3 | import { Tooltip } from "bootstrap";4 | import App from "./App.vue";at formatError (file:///media/rejwan/Files%20of%20University/Nonditosoft/theme-integration-2/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-V3BH7oO1.js:63765:46)at ...
1511 export declare type Manifest = Record<string, ManifestChunk>; 1512 1513 export declare interface ManifestChunk { 1514 src?: string; 1515 file: string; 1516 css?: string[]; 1517 assets?: string[]; 1518 isEntry?: boolean; 1519 isDynamicEntry?: boolean; 1520 imports?: str...