feat(create-vite): update create vite for Svelte 4 (#13602) (8868fb7), closes #13602 fix: 'module' is not defined eslint error in template-react (fix #13517) (#13518) (41380a5), closes #13517 #13518 fix(create-vite): support bun as a script runner (#13402) (471fba2), closes ...
react-create-ref React.createRef() polyfill react createref create ref polyfill catamphetamine• 1.0.1 • 6 years ago • 92 dependents • MITpublished version 1.0.1, 6 years ago92 dependents licensed under $MIT 66,670 xml Fast and simple xml generator. Supports attributes, CDATA, etc....
Let’s install a few things, like a React plugin: npm i vite @vitejs/plugin-react @types/node We also create the followingvite.config.tsright next to theindex.htmlfile in the project directory. import{defineConfig}from"vite";importreactfrom"@vitejs/plugin-react";exportdefaultdefineConfig({...
有create-vite-app推测和create-react-app有关 可能有插件的概念,推测和rollup有某种关联 在看官方的文...
Typically, you might create a new project usingCreate React App, but it can take a lot of time to install over 140 MB of dependencies.Viteis a lightweight tool that takes up 31 MB of dependencies, which will save time in starting a new project. Vite also uses the browser-native ES (...
有create-vite-app 推测和 create-react-app 有关 可能有插件的概念,推测和 rollup 有某种关联 在看官方的文档之前(docs-es/docs-cn)还要在github 上待一会,按照 vite most stars 大约55,041 repository results 需要排除 vitess: 这是一个 MySQL.有关的仓库 vue-vben-admin vue-pure-admin electron-vite-vue...
Vite+React+Docker:无法在容器中工作 我正在使用 vite 和 YARN 编写一个标准的 React 应用程序。我是新来的... 包.json {"name":"bpm","private":true,"version":"0.0.0","type":"module","scripts": {"dev":"vite","build":"vite build","preview":"vite preview"},"dependencies": {"react"...
create-vite的源码很简单,只有一个文件,代码总行数400左右,但是实际需要阅读的代码大约只有200行左右,废话不多说,直接开始吧。 代码结构 create-vite的代码结构非常简单,直接将index.ts拉到最底下,发现只执行了一个函数init(): init().catch((e) => {console.error(e)}) ...
react-router-config:更好的 react-router 路由配置包 mobx-react & mobx-persist:mobx 状态管理 eslint & lint-staged & husky & prettier:代码校验配置 eslint-config-alloy:ESLint 配置插件 dependencies: npm install --save react react-dom react-router @loadable/component classnames react-router-config...