8)// 遗漏的包constmissingIds=Object.keys(missing)if(missingIds.length){thrownewError(`The following dependencies are imported but could not be resolved:\n\n${missingIds.map((id)=>`${colors.cyan(id)}${colors.white(colors.dim(`(imported...
console.log('Hello %{friend}%!');console.log('%{resolve-alias path="@" path="aaaa/bbb/sdsd\cfdf/weq\qwe"}');//see Examples section Exclude To exclude some paths from processing, you can write theexcludekey with an array of values in the config, which, if found in the file path,...
Did you set process.env.NODE_ENV anywhere else before running vite build --mode development? No, the only one place where I useprocess.env.NODE_ENVis in thevite.configfile in theconsole.log. I found this problem in the freshly installed Vite project (I used thenpm create vite@latest my-...
The Chrome Dev Tools team has been working to improve the DX of Vite and Vite-powered frameworks in the dev tools. Vite 4.2 brings an improved experience and tools for framework authors to hide 3rd party code and build artifacts from the user from console log traces using server.sourcemap...
UPDATE: It seems thatsingle-spav7 is aiming towards working with native modules and native import maps, as several peripheral tools have already received updates to default away fromSystemJS(create-single-spa, for instance). What will the final shape be? I don't know. We'll have to wait ...
from'bcrypt';exportasyncfunctionfetchLoginService(userName:string, password:string){constloginURL ="URL here"consthashpassword =awaitbcrypt.hash(password,12); axios.post(loginURL,{userName,password:hashpassword}).then((response:any)=>{console.log(response); }).catch((error)=>{con...
import{createApp}from'vue';importTestfrom'./components/Test.vue';constapp = createApp({ mounted() {console.log('The app is working') } }); app.component('Test', Test); app.mount('#app'); Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) ...
Vite was created to tackle native ESM-based HMR. When Vite was first released with working ESM-based HMR, there was no other project actively trying to bring native ESM based HMR to production. Snowpack v2 initially did not offer HMR support but added it in a later release, making the sco...
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '<module>' in '<path>' 解决方法 检查以下几点: 确保模块已经安装:npm install <module> 检查模块路径是否正确 检查vite.config.js配置是否正确 错误2:热更新未生效 报错信息 [vite] vite-plugin-vue: Hot Module Replacement not working. ...
构建项目vite 打包代码webpackrollup 脚手架:创建项目,选择性安装需要的插件,指定统一的风格,生成demo...