Also, it’s not a React-specific tool, so anything you learn about it can be ported to other frameworks supported likeSvelteVueand more. To create a project using Vite you first go into the folder where you host all your projects, in my case it’s adevfolder in my user’s home fold...
Create a Vite project by running this command in the terminal. npm create vite@latest Once the command starts executing, you will be prompted for a project name. Type the name of your project and click enter. Next, Vite will prompt you to select a framework. Select React. Vite will also...
This command will generate a new foldervite-number-conversionand initialize it with thereact-tstemplate. If you are asked to agree to install thecreate-vitepackage, simply answer with yes. This template creates a React project using TypeScript and all the configuration for tooling required to dev...
{} vite:config }, vite:config root: '/Users/kevinold/cypress-repos/cypress-realworld-app', vite:config command: 'serve', vite:config mode: 'development', vite:config isProduction: false, vite:config optimizeCacheDir: '/Users/kevinold/cypress-repos/cypress-realworld-app/node_modules/.vite'...
Create React App is not a great recommendation to be making, especially for newer developers. As an educator, I run into countless issues w/ new React devs running into unnecessary issues due to the continued recommendation of CRA. I made a tweet about this and was amazed by the amount of...
A mobile phone connected to the same Wifi network as your computer so you can preview your app from mobile. Step 1 — Creating a Vite Project In this step, you will create a new React project using the Vite tool from the command line. You will use theyarnpackage manager to install and...
How to use Install the package npm i -g create-vite-react-app-cli Go to your desired folder in commandline and run cvra or create-vite-react-application Readme Keywords create vite react app create react app vite react cli jest typescript rtlPackage...
Directly specify the project name and template you want to use through the official Vite command line options. For example, to build a Vite + TypeScript project # npm 6.x npm init @vitejs/app vite-react-ts-antd-starter --template react-ts ...
cli-app collection command-line create dev development framework front View more jonschlinkert• 1.0.5 • 8 years ago • 7 dependents • MITpublished version 1.0.5, 8 years ago7 dependents licensed under $MIT 127,983 base-runtimes Plugin for adding composer-runtimes to base applications,...
官方支持React模板预设有:react、react-ts,因为我需要Typescript,所以直接用这个模板,省事了~ # npm 6.xnpm init @vitejs/app my-react-app --template react-ts# npm 7+, 需要额外的双横线:npm init @vitejs/app my-react-app -- --template react-ts# yarnyarn create @vitejs/app my-react-app ...