针对您遇到的“mac sh: vite: command not found”问题,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 确认vite是否已经正确安装: 首先,您需要检查vite是否已经被作为项目的依赖安装在node_modules中,或者作为全局依赖安装在您的系统上。 打开项目根目录下的package.json文件,查看dependencies或devDependencies中是否包含vite。
第一次pull项目,运行npm run dev时报错:sh: vite: command not found 查看了package.json,发现是有vite的。 执行npm I 重新安装依赖,之后再执行npm run dev,可以正常运行了。
Used Package Manager npm Logs sh: vite:commandnot found zsh:commandnot found: vite Validations Follow ourCode of Conduct Read theContributing Guidelines. Read thedocs. Check that there isn'talready an issuethat reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate. ...
apt-get install vite Windows(WSL2) sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install vite Raspbian apt-get install vite Dockerfile dockerfile.run/vite Create a Vite project. Used to build JavaScript projects. Available templates: vanilla, vanilla-ts, vue, vue-ts, react, react-ts, react-swc, react-...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于sh: vite: command not found的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及sh: vite: command not found问答内容。更多sh: vite: command not found相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
startup.sh: command not found .,命令前加上bash或sh或./.代表当前目录,如果执行程序或脚本没有加入环境变量PATH,在当前目录时前面要加"./"
0 Vite manifest not found Exception 0 Laravel 10: Vite manifest not found at: //manifest.json 0 npm: command not found, and failed to install it Related 2 How to install Laravel Vite? 23 Why Laravel Vite Directive Not Working in My Project? 4 Unable to Install @vitejs/plugin-vue...
│ node:internal/errors:841 │ const err = new Error(message);│ ^ │ Error: Command failed: /Users/chenqiaojun/chuxin/demo/node_modules/.pnpm/regist │ dyld: Symbol not found: _SecTrustEvaluateWithError │ Referenced from: /Users/chenqiaojun/chuxin/demo/node_modules/.pnpm/registry.n ...
To create a new Vue project usingcreate-vue, simply run the following command in your terminal: npm create vue@latest Important (@latestor@legacy) MUST NOT be omitted, otherwisenpmmay resolve to a cached and outdated version of the package. ...
1742 command: 'build' | 'serve'; 1743 mode: string; 1744 isProduction: boolean; 1745 env: Record<string, any>; 1746 resolve: ResolveOptions & { 1747 alias: Alias[]; 1748 }; 1749 plugins: readonly Plugin[]; 1750 server: ResolvedServerOptions; 1751 build: ResolvedBuildOption...