changeOriange: true, rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^/api/, '') }, axios里url: '/api/admin/jiekou1',这样去访问 你非要加什么jjy的话,那你的代理地址就不要写/api,比如你的API地址是: 那么, '/jjy': { target: '
const disabled = ref(false) const handleSizeChange = (val: number) => { console.log(`${val} items per page`) } const handleCurrentChange = (val: number) => { console.log(`current page: ${val}`) } let username = ref('') let email = ref('') const query = () => {} cons...
fix: change ResolvedConfig type to interface to allow extending it (#19210) (bc851e3), closes #19210 fix: correctly resolve hmr dep ids and fallback to url (#18840) (b84498b), closes #18840 fix: make --force work for all environments (#18901) (51a42c6), closes #18901 fix: use ...
base:process.env.NODE_ENV==='production'?'':'./', Should BASE_URL not resolve to '' for production? Thanks so much! Copy link Member userquincommentedFeb 27, 2024• edited Addfilename: 'service-worker.js'to pwa plugin options or changeregisterServiceWorker.jsto usesw.jsinsteadservice-...
will-change: filter; transition: filter 300ms; } .logo:hover { filter: drop-shadow(002em #646cffaa); } .logo.vue:hover { filter: drop-shadow(002em #42b883aa); }</style> App.vue换成 <template> <div>ThisisLangding App components</div> ...
changeLang组件内容 代码语言:txt 复制 <script setup lang="ts"> import { getCurrentInstance, ref, watchEffect } from 'vue' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' // 切换语言 const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance() as any const { t } = useI18n() ...
Vite 3.0 带来了一些比较大的架构变动,比如依赖预构建的重构、支持生产环境 Esbuild 预打包依赖以及全面支持 Pure ESM,当然也有一些比较小的 break change 在这个版本集中发布,比如 import.meta.glob 语法的变更等等。 总之,在这一年多的时间里,Vite 团队做了非常多的功能改进和架构升级,目前的 Github Star 已经达...
// app.jsconstchokidar=require(chokidar);// 创建文件监听服务constcreateFileWatcher=()=>{,{ignored:[/node_modules/,/\.git/],awaitWriteFinish:{stabilityThreshold:100,pollInterval:10,},});returnwatcher;};constwatcher=createFileWatcher();watcher.on("change",(fil...
多语言插件结构 多皮肤插件结构 构建和npm包 unbuild构建 独立npm包 使用Vite虚拟模块,引入多语言资源 ...
Change the client code and see the beauty of HMR in action!Congrats, you've just created your first vite-express app! 🎉 Happy hacking!Fresh setup with create-vite Alternatively you can use create-vite package to setup the client and then add an express server to it if your favourite fr...