针对你遇到的“cannot find package 'vite' imported from”问题,我们可以按照以下步骤来逐一排查和解决: 1. 确认'vite'包是否存在 首先,确保你的项目中已经安装了vite包。你可以通过查看package.json文件中的dependencies或devDependencies部分来确认。如果vite不在这些列表中,你需要安装它。在你的项目根目录下打开命令...
Cannot find package 'vite' imported from ../node_modules/eslint-import-resolver-oxc/dist/index.js#57 New issue Closed #59Description rakleed opened on Jan 20, 2025 If I just import createOxcImportResolver to eslint.config.js and do not use it in settings, I get this error. See ...
Vite (法语意为 “快速的”,发音 /vit/) 是一种面向现代浏览器的一个更轻、更快的前端构建工具,...
它的机制产生巨长的路径E:\work\VSCodeProjectWork\jeecg\xxxxxxxxx-next\xxxxxxxxx-next-jeecgBoot-vue3\node_modules\.pnpm\@vitejs+plugin-vue-jsx@https++++@vitejs+plugin-vue-jsx+-+plugin-vue-jsx_wpfjsfrcyfhppiaqhs2qki2ffu\node_modules\@babel\plugin-transform-typescript\' imported from E:\wor...
大多数人使用 Create React App 来创建 React App。虽然它支持所有开箱即用的配置。但是,当你的项目...
I'm getting this error during step 6/7 RUN npm run build:failed to load config from /app/vite.config.jserror during build:Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'vite-tsconfig-paths' imported from /app/vite.config.js.timestamp-1708983768258-03257a63bd4a1.mj...
From Vite 4, the .css default export has been deprecated. The ?inline query suffix modifier needs to be used in this case, as that doesn't emit the imported .css styles. import stuff from './global.css?inline' Other features Support for patch-package when pre bundling dependencies (#...
使用vite 一个月的开发体验 先总结下,体验很好,快得飞起,很舒服。但是,在每次重新构建的时候也挺慢的看这儿 file-system-cache。 Technologies Stack typescript - TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScri
解决报错:Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package ‘uuid’ imported from xxx的解决 解决报错:[plugin:vite:css] Preprocessor dependency "less" not found. Did you install it? 一、新建vite+vue3+ts项目 此处我使用npm做一下安装:
error: Cannot find module "" from "..." and redefining require variable #453 Dynamic import() doesn't execute file, as if a no-op. I'm not 100% sure what is happening in this case, but maybe it's a CommonJS module being dynamically imported? Normally, Bun's transpiler automatically...