請注意:所顯示的星級評級是反映為特定地點提交的評論。我們僅選擇某些體驗包括在「分享您的體驗」頁面中,因此並非代表所有評論。 您也可能喜歡瀏覽 安寧療護有照職業護士:「我擁有世界上最好的工作」 「如此美妙的事,一路引導我走進這項美好的志業。這是我的天賦使命。」 ...
Director of Market Development The VITAS app is a great resource for both, the community at large and for healthcare professionals! It clearly defines the benefits to receiving VITAS services and the criteria for each diagnosis. It is very clear and concise! Great tool!
More VITAS Employee Reviews Nurse Review Mervel G., Treasure Coast, FL Words can’t describe my team because we are so cohesive. We work so well together. I’ll be going on vacation, I can walk away and know that my patients are going to be well taken care of because my team ...
“While receiving VITAS care, my mom has not had to be hospitalized—a sharp contrast to her time prior to this care.” - Judi B., Virginia “VITAS was a shining light in the dark tunnel of seeing my dearest wife’s life ending. I really have no words rich and expressive enough to...
Employee Reviews & Testimonials Get Customized Job Alerts and InfoCaregivingBeing a caregiver can be immensely satisfying and incredibly challenging at the same time. Caregiving calls on you to care for someone you love, acquire new skills, educate yourself about serious illnesses—and learn how to ...
Healthcare VITAS Healthcareis the largest single-source provider of end-of-life care in the U.S., with over 10,000 professionals caring for more than 19,000 patients daily. Their mission is to preserve the quality of life for those who have a limited time to live by delivering the highe...
The VITAS hospice resource library answers your hospice, palliative care, caregiving, and grief questions. Call 800.582.9533 today for more information.
VITAS Healthcare数字通讯副总裁助理 临终关怀通常是一个难以启齿的话题,对于不说英语的美国居民来说尤其困难。对于死亡和临终的顽固文化观念以及语言问题,会加深对这一主题和相关服务的误解。全国领先的临终关怀服务提供商VITAS Healthcare认识到了这种状况,并坚信提供当地语言的内容(包括通过多语言网站)将有助于打消这种...
VITAS puede ayudar a los pacientes y sus familias que buscan cuidados de hospicio y paliativos con perseverancia y dignidad frente a una enfermedad terminal. Para acceder a más información sobre nuestros servicios al final de la vida visite o