Vitamin K is needed for healthy blood. It thickens the blood around a cut to stop bleeding. It can also be found in pork products, liver and in vegetables like cabbage, kale and spinach (菠菜).Vitamins are important to our health. A lack of required vitamins can lead to health problems...
VitaminBhelpstoproduceredbloodcells(红血球).Itisfoundinfoodlikeeggs, meat, fish, milkandgreen vegetables. VitaminCisneededforstrongboneandteeth, andforhealthybloodvessels(血管), Italso helpswounds(伤口) tocurequickly.ThebodystoneslittlevitaminC, sowe mustgetiteverydayin foodslikeoranges, tomatoesandcabba...
Vitamin B helps to make red blood cells(红血球). You can find in food like eggs, meat, fish, milk and green vegetables. Vitamin C is good for strong bone and teeth, and for healthy blood vessels(血管). It also helps wounds(伤口) to get better quickly. The body stores little vitamin...
Blood Facts: Lesson for Kids from Chapter 3 / Lesson 51 27K Explore the interesting world of blood and discover some facts about blood. Explore the components of blood and what each part does, investigate the process the body uses to make blood, and finally, learn about different blood ...
In addition to helping to form healthy red blood cells, vitamin B12 also helps develop brain and nerve cells. Specifically, it helps build and maintain the myelin sheath surrounding and protecting nerves. What Is the Nervous System? The nervous system is often called the “command center” of ...
It is found in grains and other foods like beans, meat and fish.Vitamin B2 helps to produce red blood cells(红细胞). It is found in foods like eggs, meat, fish, milk and green vegetables.Vitamin C is needed for strong bones and teeth, and for healthy blood vessels(血管). The body ...
Scientists find it in corns and other foods like beans, nuts, meat and fish.Vitamin B helps to make red blood cells(红血球). You can find in food like eggs, meat,fish, milk and green vegetables.Vitamin C is good for strong bone and teeth, and for healthy blood vessels(血管). It ...
Vitamin B changes foods into energy and helps the heart and nerve system (血管) to work smoothly. Vitamin B also helps to produce red blood cells. Without it, we will be weak and will not grow. It is found in grains and other foods like beans, nuts, meat and fish. ...
Vitamin B helps to produce red blood cells. It is found in foods like eggs, meat, fish, milk and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin C is needed for strong bones and teeth, and for healthy blood vessels(血管). It also helps wounds to heal(意合) quickly. The body stores little vitamin C...
Vitamin B5 is very important in supporting carbohydrate, fats, and proteins digestion. This is also a perfect vitamin to keep the healthy liver. This vitamin is also necessary to produce red blood cells, sex drive, stress reduction, and hormone regulation. Vitamin B5 is also known as the pant...