WebMD:Folic Acid & Pregnancy Centers For Disease Control & Prevention:Folic Acid – Recommendations Centers For Disease Control & Prevention:Iron & Iron Deficiency PubMed:Role of calcium during pregnancy: maternal and fetal needs. DrOz.com:You Wanted to Know: Prenatal Vitamins for Hair ...
Do not forget to eat a well balanced diet for healthy hair. The diet should be made of foods that can supply all the essential nutrients needed for the growth of healthy hair. See thesetop 10 foods for healthy hair growthfrom webmd.com . The diet should contain adequate amounts of grain...
Vitamin B6 is a B vitamin that is needed for more than 100 different reactions in the body. It is critical for proper brain function, to manufacture neurotransmitters, and it helps regulate mood. The vitamin may protect against colorectal cancer, memory loss, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). G...