Called "___" in humans. coenzymenervemuscle weaknessloss of sensationabnormal heart actionBeri-Beri Vitamin B2 is found as ___ bound to proteins. Typical forms are ___ and ___. riboflavinFMN Flavin mononucleoFAD Flavin amino dinucle Vitamin B2 functions as a ___, such as in ___ and...
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Vit B1, Forms of Beri-Beri, Wernicke-Korsakoff triad of signs and more.
(all minerals are elements on periodic table!)ironcalciumpotassiumsodiumzinciodine Thiamin (Vitamin B1) function -helps the body's cells change carbohydrates into energy. The main role of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, especially the brain and nervous system.-plays a role in mu...
What is a deficiency in vitamin B3 called? Pallagra What are the symptoms of a vitamin B3? (Four D's) 1. Dermatitis 2. Diarrhea (can be bloody) 3. Dementia 4. Death What can cause a deficiency of Vitamin B3? Alcoholism Poor nutrition ...
B vitamins and C are soluble The consumption of raw egg whites blocks the absorption of this vitamin because a substance called avidin binds it. However, it takes about 2 dozen raw egg whites per day to produce a deficiency of this vitamin. Cooking denatures this protein in egg whites, so...
if you're on a drug called INH When will you be given vitamin B6? widely distributed in foods & in fortified foods and drinks What are sources of vitamin B6 sensory neuropathy & ataxia What can happen from a toxicity of pyridoxine? folate/folic acid function necessary for the formation of...
Cobalamin Vitamin B-12 is also called Intrinsic factor (IF) substance produced in the stomach that facilitates intestinal absorption of B-12 Pernicious anemia a condition caused by lack of intrinsic factor and characterized by vitamin B-12 deficiency, nerve damage, and megaloblastic red blood cells...