V.I. Mistretta , P. Delanaye , J.-P. Chapelle , J.-C. Souberbielle , É. Cavalier . (2008) Vitamine D2 ou vitamine D3 ?. La Revue de Médecine Interne 29 , 815-820 Online publication date: 1-Oct-2008. /Mistretta VI, Delanaye P, Chapelle JP, Souberbielle JC, ...
However, several studies have showed that serum level of 25(OH)D is increased more effectively with vitamin D3 than vitamin D2. Vitamin D2 has shorter plasma half-life and a lower affinity for the vitamin D binding protein, the hepatic vitamin D hydroxylase and the vitamin D receptor. ...
In every situation when the therapeutic goal requires an optimal serum 25-(OH)-vitamin D level for an appropriate medical care, it is mandatory to measure baseline level in order to define loading and maintenance dosages of vitamin D sup... CL Benhamou,JC Souberbielle,B Cortet - 《La Pr...
Dans la physiologie classique, le rein joue un rôle central dans la description du schéma d’action de la vitamine D (Fig. 1) [1]. En effet, la vitamine D, provenant des apports nutritionnels ou synthétisée au niveau de la peau, doit bénéficier d’une double hydroxylation pour ...
C~ou: The effect of vitamin deficiency on light sense in eases of xerosis a n d p i g m e n t a t i o n of t h e e o n j u n e t i v a . ,Nat. Med. Jourt~. Ch'ina, 16, 365, 1930. CHtClSTI.~NSEN : Vit,a m i n m a n g e l k r a n k h ...
Vitamine D en pratique quotidienne La vitamine D peut être de forme D2 ou D3, la forme D2 (ergocalciférol) étant d’origine végétale alors que la forme D3 (cholécalciférol) est celle d’origine animale. En cas de supplémentation quotidienne, on peut donner indifféremment les formes...
In every situation when the therapeutic goal requires an optimal serum 25-(OH)-vitamin D level for an appropriate medical care, it is mandatory to measure baseline level in order to define loading and maintenance dosages of vitamin D sup... CL Benhamou,JC Souberbielle,B Cortet - 《La Pr...
In every situation when the therapeutic goal requires an optimal serum 25-(OH)-vitamin D level for an appropriate medical care, it is mandatory to measure baseline level in order to define loading and maintenance dosages of vitamin D sup... CL Benhamou,JC Souberbielle,B Cortet - 《La Pr...
Statut vitaminique D de l'adolescent: variations saisonnieres et effets d'une supplementation hivernale par la vitamine D3. Arch Pediatr.1998; 5:1211-5J Guillemant , A Allemandou , S Cabrol , G Pérès , S Guillemant . (1998) Statut vitaminique D de l’adolescent: variations ...
In every situation when the therapeutic goal requires an optimal serum 25-(OH)-vitamin D level for an appropriate medical care, it is mandatory to measure baseline level in order to define loading and maintenance dosages of vitamin D sup... CL Benhamou,JC Souberbielle,B Cortet - 《La Pr...