A high degree of clinical suspicion should be entertained and a combination regimen of penicillins with sulphonamides should be used for treatment. We report a patient with primary cutaneous actinomycosis over the buttock, who was successfully treated with amoxicillin and sulphonamides....
It is recommended to systematically supplement all elderly persons with vitamin D, with doses ranging from 800 to 1000UI/day, either daily or 80,000 to 100,000UI every 2–3months.doi:10.1016/j.nupar.2014.03.013Guillaume Le Guenno...
Basuyau . (2010) Administration orale hivernale d’une dose unique de 200 000 UI de vitamine D3 chez l’adolescent en région normande : évaluation de sa tolérance et du statut vitaminique D obtenu. Archives de Pédiatrie 17 , 1042-1046 Online publication date: 1-Jul-2010. /...
It is recommended to systematically supplement all elderly persons with vitamin D, with doses ranging from 800 to 1000UI/day, either daily or 80,000 to 100,000UI every 2–3months.doi:10.1016/j.nupar.2014.03.013Raynaud-Simon, Agathe...