译文示例:Adicionalmente, México cuenta con el Programa de Abasto Social de Leche a cargo de LICONSA, el cual tiene la finalidad de abastecer de leche de alta calidad, fortificada con hierro, zinc, ácido fólico, vitaminas B2, B12, A, C y D a un precio menor al del mercado, a la ...
vitamina b12anemia perniciosaaclorhidria gástricacarcinoma gástricovitamin b12 deficiency is associated with pernicious anemia.chronic atrophic gastritis and elevated risk of cancer of the stomach, have been reported for patients with pernicious anemia....
Una carenza grave di vitamina B12 può danneggiare i nervi, causando formicolio o perdita di sensibilità nelle mani e nei piedi, debolezza muscolare, perdita dei riflessi, difficoltà di deambulazione, confusione e demenza. La diagnosi di carenza di vitamina B12 si basa su esami del sangu...
Vitamin B12 DeficiencyFolic Acid DeficiencyThe aim of this study is to establish the prevalence of vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency in the population of 65 years and over in semi-urban and rural area, as well as investigating the risk factors, and the determining factors of this ...
维生素A醋酸酯、维生素K3、维生素C的结构、理 化性质及作用特点 维生素D2、D3、维生素E醋酸酯、维生素B1、B2、 B6的结构及作用特点 维 生 素 脂溶性维生素 水溶性维生素 维生素D类 维生素A类 维生素D3 维生素D2 维生素A醋酸酯 典型药物 典型药物 维生素K类 维生素E类 维生素K3 维生素E醋酸酯 典型药物 典型...
¿Debemos solicitar el nivel de vitamina B12 en el estudio inicial de una demencia?, ArtículoIn the last decade the multicore processors had emerged with the comeback of the symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) after a long decade in which the based OpenMPI clusters had dominated the high ...
Evelyn PeñaAlba MorónArchivos latinoamericanos de nutriciónBaron M, Solano L, Pena E, y Moron A. Estado de la nutricion de folato, vitamina B12 y hierro en adolescentes embarazadas. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nu- tricion 2003. 53(2):150-156....
2009. Uso do propilenoglicol, cobalto e vitamina B12 em ovelhas e seus reflexos sobre o perfil eletroforetico das proteinas sericas dos bor- regos. Cienc. Anim. Bras. 1(Supl.):140-145.Campos A.G.S.S., Afonso J.A.B., Santos R.A. & Mendonça C.L. 2009. Uso do propilen...
Vitamin B12Neural tube defectsAdequate levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy is very important for the proper development of the foetus. A deficiency of these vitamins causes neural tube defects in the foetus, as well as having other effects. Therefore, ...
Metformin, a drug widely used as a treatment for diabetes, has been described as responsible, in some literature, for causing or aggravating vitamin B12 deficiency, which is similarly related to the development of polyneuropathy. Methods: In this sense, a study was conduc...