Vitamin K shots for Babies In some countries, such as the UK, the parents of all babies are offered a shot of Vitamin K for their baby soon after birth. This is because newborns are born with low levels of vitamin K, and their intestines do not yet produce enough vitamin K-producing b...
In preparing to welcome our second child this coming summer, we recently decided to do some more research into the pros and cons of giving vitamin K shots to newborns. After reading through several papers and discussing the matter over many days, we decided that for our second child, we wil...
Er, I'm pretty sure Vit. K shots are still offered in the States. If anything, it seems like the oral K may not be on offer, if the American Academy of Pediatricans website is to be trusted. Sorry I can't do a direct link, but search for Vitamin K and take the second item ...
The AAP maintains that a vitamin K shot must be given to all newborns because a very small percentage (0.25-1.7%) of them are born with a serious bleeding disorder known as Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn (HDN) that could cause a brain hemorrhage.2 But the big thing about manufactured...
1. Sorry you’re brain damaged but shots scare me and the tradeoff between brain damage and the mild discomfort of an injection seemed perfectly reasonable to me? 2. Sorry you face a life of disability, but the women on assured me that refusing the vitamin K shot was safe,...