Vitamin K is an important lipid-soluble vitamin, so vitamin K deficiency can affect any age group, and is usually encountered in infants. Vitamin K plays an important role in helping the blood clot, and preventing excessive bleeding. It also contributes greatly to maintaining healthy bones and h...
Iizuka A, Satoh Ch, Nagao T (1980) Study of two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis of prothrombin in a 6 months old patient with secondary vitamin K deficiency and thirty seven infants aged one month. Blood Vessel 11: 568–572 Google Scholar Isenberg JN (1982) Cystic fibrosis: Its influence ...
Hemorrhagic Disease of Newborns, commonly known as HDN, is a condition in infants where blood clotting does not take place as it should. This condition is common in infants suffering from vitamin K deficiency. This condition is easy to treat with a single injection of K2. HDN can be prevente...
Infants are at a higher risk of vitamin K deficiency as vitamin K doesn't pass through the placenta easily and breast milk is a poor source of the nutrient, perOregon State University. Because low vitamin K levels increase the risk of excessive bleeding, newborns are given a vitamin K suppl...
Vitamin K Deficiency Low levels of vitamin K can raise the risk of uncontrolled bleeding. While vitamin K deficiencies are rare in adults, they are very common in newborn infants. A single injection of vitamin K for newborns is standard. Doctors also use vitamin K to counteract an overdose ...
Polysorbates found in the vitamin A injection have been associated with E-Ferol syndrome (thrombocytopenia, renal dysfunction, hepatomegaly, cholestasis, ascites, hypotension, and metabolic acidosis) in low birth-weight infants.Common Adverse Effects...
newborn infants are vulnerable to being lack of vitamin K that is an important vitamin for promoting blood clotting and normal bone growth. Dark green vegetables and yogurt are easily available vitamin K supplements obtained from the daily diet. Human has a very small demand for vitamin K but ...
Failure to respond to vitamin K may indicate that the condition being treated is inherently unresponsive to vitamin K. Benzyl alcohol has been reported to be associated with a fatal "Gasping Syndrome" in premature infants. WARNING: This product contains aluminum that may be toxic. Aluminum may ...
Vitamin K3 (or menadione): is a synthetic form of vitamin K. This is typically the one injected into infants at birth, and some studies have shown potential toxicity from this form. The main function of vitamin K is modifying proteins to give them the ability to bind calcium. Vitamin K1...
In 2003, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a paper rejecting evidence of an association between Vitamin K shots given at birth and cancer, instead reaffirming a 1961 AAP directive that all newborn infants receive shot of syntheticVitamin Kto prevent Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (...