understand the perspectives of midwives on IM vitamin K prophylaxis and approach to counseling parents using qualitative methodology, we conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews of midwives associated with 3 tertiary academic medical centers and surrounding communities in Connecticut, Iowa and Michigan....
[13]. de Winter JP, Joosten KF, Ijland MM, et al. Nieuwe Nederlandse richtlijn voor vitamine K-toediening aan voldragen pasgeborenen [New Dutch practice guideline for administration of vitamin K to full-term newborns]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2011;155(18):A936. [14]. WALTER H.SEEGER...
In some countries, such as the UK, the parents of all babies are offered a shot of Vitamin K for their baby soon after birth. This is because newborns are born with low levels of vitamin K, and their intestines do not yet produce enough vitamin K-producing bacteria to meet their needs....
Vitamin K, which is needed in small amounts by humans but is highly deficient in newborns, is an important vitamin that promotes normal blood clotting and bone growth. Dark green vegetables and yogurt are easily available in the daily diet as vitamin K supplements. The human b...
1. A yellow viscous oil, C31H46O2, found in leafy green vegetables and used by the body in the synthesis of prothrombin. Also called phylloquinone. 2. A synthetic analog of this vitamin, used in the treatment of some coagulation disorders and to prevent hemorrhagic disease in newborns. In ...
Family Planning Commission of China has approved the fortification of vitamin K2 in milk powder prepared for children and pregnant women, which can avoid bleeding symptoms caused by incomplete development of coagulation system or vitamin K deficiency caused by dietary deficiency in children and newborns...
Biliary Obstruction– When absorption of Vitamin K has been obstructed by lack of bile salts, pancreatic secretions or other causes of digestive failures. Vitamin K is administered and it is an essential pre-operative measure. Hemorrhages in Newborns– To prevent hemorrhages some infants require extra...
Longer treatment durations (up to months) and much higher doses required in patients exposed to long-acting anticoagulant rodenticide Hemolysis, hyperbilirubinemia, and jaundice reported in newborns treated with larger than recommended doses; use caution Parenteral administration may cause cutaneous reactions...
Newborns have a higher chance of having vitamin K deficiency because of low transfer from the placenta and breast milk. Vitamin K is available in multivitamins, single-nutrient supplements, injections, and drops. You can also get it through various foods. Although the side effects of vitamin K ...
Vitamin K-dependent clotting factors (FII, FVII, FX) and PT and TT were studied prospectively in 113 healthy newborns during the first 6 weeks of life. No vitamin K prophylaxis was given. Infants were divided into three groups: breast fed, formula fed or combination. The method of nutrition...