Vitamin E refers to a family of tocopherol and tocotrienol isomers discovered in 1922 as anti-infertility factor. Vitamin E deficiency causes infertility and delayed-onset ataxia in experimental animals, and it leads to neuronal dysfunctions in humans. However, based largely on its radical-scavenging...
The active form of vitamin A for vision is calledrentinal. Vitamin A deficiency leads to inflammation of the membranes of the eye, night blindness,... Learn more about this topic: Fat-Soluble Vitamins Definition, Characteristics & Functions ...
To test this hypothesis we induced vitamin E deficiency in zebrafish embryos by dietary manipulations in the parents. We developed a highly sensitive, novel method using solid phase extraction, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry to quantify α-tocopherol, cholesterol and fatty acids in these ...
(visual receptors that allowvisionin dim light)—often leads to significant vision impairment.Vitamin A deficiency, which causes reduced photosensitivity of rhodopsin (a chromoprotein) in rod cells, causes night blindness that is usually not severe, and vision most often recovers when adequate levels...
parathormone liberates calcium from bone in order to restore serum calcium concentrations. Hence, although the production of osteoid, the protein matrix on which calcium is deposited, is normal or increased in vitamin D deficiency, the matrix is poorly calcified. This results in soft bones, the ...
Energy and Endurance - Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to anemia, low energy, and weakness. (1) Adequate levels of vitamin B12 are necessary to maintain normal energy levels. However, in people who have normal B12 levels, taking extra B12 has not been shown to improve athletic performance or lea...
contraction known to result in extensive membrane disruption events. Statins, cholesterol-lowering drugs whose main side effect is muscle damage, reduce vitamin E levels in blood, leading to the speculation that this deficiency might explain statin-induced muscle damage54. We also mention above that ...
Silymarin has been used for improving hepatic damage and lipid disorders, but its action mechanism remains to be clarified. Here, we investigate the contributions of the gut microbiota to the improvement of liver lipid metabolism by silymarin. We find i)
Accordingly, vitamin K deficiency leads to significantly reduced cerebral sulfatide levels in rodents, while there is an opposite effect in vitamin K-supplemented animals [152,153]. Sulfatides, which seem to be decreased in brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of AD-patients [154–157], ...
VitD deficiency leads to skeletal conditions such as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults [1]. It is also crucial in diabetes mellitus (DM) and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) [3]. VitD deficiency is more prevalent in diabetic patients; it reduces pancreatic islet cell destruction via...