Those with the lowest vitamin D levels reported the greatest degree of depressive symptoms. Only small-scale studies have shown success in improving these symptoms by correcting the deficiency. Much more research is needed in this area to find out how best to treat it. Cardiovascular disease (...
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms Symptoms and signs of vitamin D deficiency tend to be more obvious in kids because they are still growing, so their bone problems are more pronounced. Symptoms of deficiency in kids may include: Weak, sore, and painful muscles (with mild deficiency) Incorrect growth...
If the deficiency continues unresolved, then more noticeable symptoms may occur, such as bone fractures, rickets, orosteomalacia. Low blood levels of vitamin D have also been associated with: An impairment in memory and thinking skills in older adults ...
Avoid Vitamin D deficiency this winter with our expert guide to the best Vitamin D foods to fill up on, signs that you need more and your Vitamin D meal plan.
Avoid Vitamin D deficiency this winter with our expert guide to the best Vitamin D foods to fill up on, signs that you need more and your Vitamin D meal plan.
Other symptoms are neurological and may include tingling in the extremities, confusion, memory loss, depression and difficulty maintaining balance. Some of thesecan be permanentif the vitamin deficiency is not addressed. However, since there can be so many causes for these symptoms,health care provid...
Vitamin D deficiency can result from inadequate exposure to sunlight; malabsorption; accelerated catabolism from certain medications; and, in infants, the minimal amount of vitamin D found in breast milk. In children, vitamin D deficiency can result in r
A combination of aches and pains with fatigue is often misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. However, these are classic symptoms of osteomalacia, which is the softening of the bones due to a vitamin D deficiency in adults. When the body is lacking vitamin D, there will be...
Stage I: Low serum level. You have low levels of vitamin B12 in your blood. You have no B12 deficiency symptoms. Stage II: Low cell-store. You have low levels of B12 in your cells. Stage III: Biochemical deficiency. You have higher levels of the chemicals homocysteine and methylmalonicaci...
Avoid Vitamin D deficiency this winter with our expert guide to the best Vitamin D foods to fill up on, signs that you need more and your Vitamin D meal plan.