The primary exposure variable, diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency, was defined as having at least one encounter with a primary or secondary Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) code 268.9, Unspecified vitamin D deficiency [26]. The appearanc...
7,18,19,20,21], but the findings we present show mean 25(OH)D levels in persons with DS are lower than those with ASD. Deficiency in 25(OH)D can potentially hinder typical neural proliferation processes and could potentially
Vitamin D deficiency is widespread, and the use of vitamin D supplements has become increasingly common [6,7,8]. Observational studies have shown that higher concentrations of serum 25 (OH)D are associated with a reduced blood pressure, lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and all-cause...
Meta-analysis of vitamin D deficiency and risk of atrial fibrillation. Clin Cardiol. 2016;39(9):537-543. doi:10.1002/clc.22563PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 36. Boursiquot BC, Larson JC, Shalash OA, Vitolins MZ, Soliman EZ, Perez MV. Vitamin D with calcium ...
Thiamin deficiency and heart failure: the current knowledge and gaps in literature. Heart Fail Rev 2015; 20: 1−11. doi: 10.1007/s10741-014-9432-0 [12] Hyppönen E, Läärä E, Reunanen A, et al. Intake of vitamin D and risk of type 1 diabetes: a birth-cohort study. ...
The primary outcome of all CVD events combined (ICD-10 codes I10-I82) was based on the above disease definitions. Prespecified secondary disease outcomes were based on the cardiovascular pathophysiologic findings associated with vitamin D deficiency and observational epidemiologic studies.3,4,24,25 ...
VDR deficiency results in significant alterations in the levels of polyamines: Box-plot diagrams showing increased levels of polyamines metabolites namely, (A) N1, N12-diacetylspermine, (B) diacetylspermidine, (C) N ('1) acetylspermidine were noted following VDR deletion (in VDRΔIEC & VDR...
Clues from the epidemiology of schizophrenia, such as the increased risk in those born in winter/spring, have led to the hypothesis that prenatal vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of later schizophrenia. We wish to explore this hypothesis in a large Danish case-control study (n =...
Vitamin B12 is essential for the reduction of DNA damage [60]. Experimental studies show that vitamin B12 deficiency mimics radiation damage to DNA, possibly leading to cancer [61]. However, observational studies showed no effect of high intake of vitamin B12 on BC risk [62]. The present stu...
For example, in the Framingham Offspring Study, the proportion with folate deficiency declined from 22% before fortification to 1.7% after fortification.43 During the course of our trial, the mean difference in total homocysteine levels between the treatment groups narrowed: the 1-month difference ...