ICD10E54 SnomedCT124907004,267493006,154727008,190638001,76169001 EnglishAscorbic Acid Deficiencies,Ascorbic Acid Deficiency,Deficiencies, Ascorbic Acid,Deficiencies, Vitamin C,Deficiency, Ascorbic Acid,Deficiency, Vitamin C,Vitamin C Deficiencies,Vitamin C Deficiency,DEFIC VITAMIN C,ASCORBIC ACID DEFIC,DEFI...
While most vitamin deficiencies are rare in the developed world, vitamin D deficiency remains prevalent, likely due to low sun exposure at northern latitudes, a trend toward increasing indoor activity and concern about the risks of excess sun exposure.5 New research suggests that deficiency of vitam...
The analysis included studies on vitamin D and miscarriage, adhering to ICD-10 criteria, and VDR gene allele analysis through PCR-RFLP. Results: A comprehensive narrative analysis of the available scientific literature verified the link between comorbidities and vitamin D deficiencies, which can lead ...
In heavy alcohol drinkers, the entire nutritional status may be impaired because of malnutrition, and the deficiencies of vitamins and trace elements may contribute to alcohol-associated carcinogenesis. Moreover, the increased oxida- tive stress observed during ethanol metabolism leads to an increased ...
(Fig. 1).1-3 Osteoclasts dissolve the mineralized collagen matrix in bone, causing os- n engl j med 357;3 www.nejm.org july 19, 2007 267 The new england journal of medicine teopenia and osteoporosis and increasing the risk of fracture.7,8,11,16-21 Deficiencies of calcium and...
For example, critically ill patients with some forms of pneumonia, sepsis, or Coronavirus Disease 2019 have clinically relevant vitamin C deficiencies, which cannot be corrected by increasing vitamin C intake through the intestinal or gastric route (Carr et al., 2017, Arvinte et al., 2020, ...
d. They are both common deficiencies in the human diet. Alice is a 70-year-old woman with low vitamin D levels who recently broke a hip. She has osteoporosis. She was given several medications to try to improve bone density, however, ...
In heavy alcohol drinkers, the entire nutritional status may be impaired because of malnutrition, and the deficiencies of vitamins and trace elements may contribute to alcohol-associated carcinogenesis. Moreover, the increased oxidative stress observed during ethanol metabolism leads to an increased ...
Each study ascertained incident BC with International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O-3 code C67) using population-based cancer registries, health insurance records, or medical records. The term BC was used for all urinary bladder neoplasms. BCs were classified into non-muscle invasive...
ICD10 E56.1 SnomedCT 124892003, 52675005 English Deficiencies, Vitamin K, Deficiency, Vitamin K, Vitamin K Deficiencies, VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY, DEFIC VITAMIN K, VITAMIN K DEFIC, vitamin K deficiency, vitamin K deficiency (diagnosis), Deficiency of vitamin k, Vitamin K Deficiency [Disease/Finding...