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Nature Love Vitamin D3 & K2 19,99 € 24,99 € Im Trend Vitamin D3 + K2 120 Kapseln 19,99 € VIGANTOLVIT Vitamin D3 K2 Calcium Filmtabletten 7,63 € 1.000 I.E. Vitamin D3 Tabletten 200 4,59 € Im Trend Hevert Vitamin D3 K2 plus Ca ...
Herb's Secret Vitamin D3+K2 專業级维生素D3+维生素K2胶囊30粒,补充维生素D3和K2有助于促進骨骼健康和维持健康的心脏代谢功能
Vitamin D3/K2: Optimal Bone and Heart Health Formula Vitamin D3/K2 combines the power of Vitamin D3, the "sunshine vitamin", with Vitamin K2's clinically-studied form, Mena-Q7, for a potent blend that supports bone strength and cardiovascular wellness. ...
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