Kids may eat more or less than the amounts shown, given their age and appetite. Estimate the nutrient content accordingly. Advertisement | page continues below Can my child get too much vitamin D? It's unlikely but possible. On the contrary, many health experts are concerned that the current...
Low vitamin D found in kids with asthmaOther Respiratory Diseases
Why are So Many Kids Lacking in Vitamin D? Your skin makes vitamin D from sun exposure, and one of the primary reasons why people, including kids, don’t get enough is because they’re not spending enough time outdoors, or are wearing sunscreen when they do (which blocks vitamin D produ...
University of Michigan researchers say they have found a link between vitamin D deficiency in young kids and aggression in adolescents. According to their study of schoolchildren in Bogota, Columbia,young kidswith low levels of the vitamin were nearly twice as likely to exhibit aggression as they ...
vitamin C: antioxidant; vitamin D: bone support; vitamin E: antioxidant; choline; gluten free. Natural cherry, strawberry, tropical punch, orange, lemon and white grape flavors. Contains no wheat (gluten), milk, eggs, peanuts or soy. (These statements have not been evaluated by t...
Vitamin D is essential for kid’s growing bones, teeth, brain and immunehealth.†Garden of Life offers Kids Vitamin D3 gummies—a clean and convenient way to give your kids 100% of the daily value for vitamin D in a delicious, orange-flavored, sugar-free gummy. Kids Vitamin D3 yummy...
SYDNEY, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- In a world's first study, Australian researchers have found that children with vitamin D deficiency were more likely to develop asthma and other allergies later on in life. Researchers from Western Australia's Telethon Kids Institute tracked vitamin D levels from bir...
Vitamin D is a key hormone in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism and plays a pivotal role in bone health, particularly during pediatric age when nutritional rickets and impaired bone mass acquisition may occur. Great interest has been placed in recent years on vitamin D’s extra...
Ostelin 婴幼儿维生素D滴剂含有丰富钙质,帮助宝宝健康发育;不含人工甜味剂或添加剂、无转基因成分、不含蛋类、豆类、奶类制品、不含二氧化硫和亚硫酸盐;Ostelin的钙、维D系列产品一直广受信任,是澳洲专业生产钙片和维他命D的品牌(除了钙及维D外不生产任何其他产品),并仅在澳洲药房出售,是安全有效补钙的首选。
Vitamin D3 Benefits Vitamin D3 is significant in building strong bones, teeth, and a healthy immune system–helping the body fight infections. The Irish Osteoporosis Society has called on parents to keep vitamin D3 intake top of their minds. Kids who do not get sufficient vitamin D3 are at...