What you need to know Vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with a range of symptoms and signs, resulting in substantial variation in patient presentation . While epidemiological data are limited, cross sectional studies from the UK and US suggest a prevalence of 3% in people aged 20-39, ...
【Vitamin B12 Deficiency 维生素B12缺乏症】[haha] 翻译@cyclin-Cdk ~即机体维生素B12储备量不足,影响细胞分裂,并导致过量同型半胱氨酸和甲基丙二酸累积,造成大细胞性巨幼细胞贫血,产生苍白、呼吸困难、疲...
So for effective Vitamin B12 deficiency treatment, you not only need to make sure that you get the right KIND of Vitamin B12, but also be sure that you take the right vitamin b 12 dosage- and that dosage will be different for everyone. The current medical model of Vitamin B12 deficiency ...
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment Dosages Here are some rough guidelines for treatment dosages. 1. High dose initial therapy Once a B12 deficiency has been verified, initial therapy is the same in all cases. OralInjection Initial therapy5000 µg/day for 4-6 weeks1000 – 1500 µg/weeks for...
Guidelines from the British Columbia Medical Association (2003) state that "[o]ral doses of vitamin B12 are as effective as parenteral administration in treating deficiency in most cases." The guidelines include the following recommendation: “Oral replacement of vitamin B12 is the treatment of choi...
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment Treatment depends on the reason for the low levels of B12. If you have pernicious anemia or have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 due to a disease, you'll need shots of this vitamin at first. You may need to keep getting these shots, take high doses of a ...
If vitamin B12 deficiency is suspected or confirmed, further tests may be required to identify the cause. This willhelp to determine the recommended course of treatment.These investigations may include further blood tests for pernicious anemia6and other conditions. ...
AnneB12anne安妮阿 系统标签: vitamindeficiencyarundelannemedical维生素 clinicalpractice Thenewenglandjournalofmedicine nengljmed368;2nejmjanuary10,2013149 ThisJournalfeaturebeginswithacasevignettehighlightingacommonclinicalproblem. Evidencesupportingvariousstrategiesisthenpresented,followedbyareviewofformalguidelines, when...
Previous studies have found lower vitamin B12 levels among OAT patients reporting using stimulants upon admission to treatment [25], and among methamphetamine users compared with healthy controls [26]. Our study showed higher levels of vitamin B12 among individuals with liver disease, suggesting that...
This is why B12 deficiency has so many potential symptoms. There are four main categories of vitamin B12 complications. A complication is a problem caused by a medical condition or treatment. These categories can cause a range of symptoms. Complication of Vitamin B12 DeficiencySymptoms Anemia,...