1, B2, B6 und B12 in Milch durch HPLC]]>doi:10.1007/BF01187905Simple methods of determining the water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 in milk by HPLC are described. Compared to existing procedures, the following improvements can be realized. The oxidation of vitamin B1 to thiochrome ...
複合維生素 B 滋補品專門為身體提供 6 種重要的 B群維生素 B1、B2、B3、B6、B7 和 B12,從而支持身心健康。 為能量和神經注入活力 建議食用量:飲用前搖勻,成人和 12 歲以上兒童,每日一次 20 毫升 – 最好與早餐一起飲用。 開封後的保質期:開封後冰存,4週內飲用完畢。
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Gressner AM, Wallraff P, Roebruck P, Tittor W (1981) Fibronectin and ß2-Mikroglobulin im Plasma chronisch Leberkranker und ihre Beziehung zu „zirrhoseanzeigenden“Enzymaktivitäten im Serum. Lab Med 5: 290–296 Google Scholar Grieninger G, Plant PW, Liang TJ, Kalb RG, Amrani...
11.Bestimmte Stoffe, wie Eisen oderVitaminB12 sind da zu wenig drin. 特定物质,如铁或生素B12,在里面是不够。 「YouTube 精选合辑」评价该例句:好评差评指正 Na美食厨房 12.Tintenfische an sich sind kalorienarm, enthalten hohen Anteil von Proteinen undVitaminen. ...
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5,6-dimethylbenzimidazol (DMBIA) fed as hydrochlorid to hens, causes an increase in B12-synthesis from 0,2 to 3μg per animal and day. DMBIA in ethanol solution increases B12-formation to 2μg per day and crystalline DMBIA has only a very small effect. This base certainly is not syn...