Soay sheep have been resident to the St Kilda archipelago for thousands of years, but were resident only on the smaller island of Soay until 1930 when around one hundred were moved to the (then uninhabited) larger island of Hirta which is where Village Bay and our study area is located. ...
Here are some B12 ads. I found the Jarrow very good, but have switched toSwansonto save money. It works just as well, maybe better in that the savings reduces worry about money. Jarrow Methylcobalamin 1 mgBioactive coenzyme form of vitamin B12.Supports brain and nerve health, energy producti...
To evaluate the effects of maternal vitamin D deficiency on body fat and adipogenesis in offspring rats, and explore the potential mechanism, we constructed a vitamin D deficient rat model and performed metabolic activity evaluation, body fat monitoring, biochemical analysis, adipogenesis assay, methylat...
Article ADS Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements We wish to thank the German Research Foundation (CRC1149) for supporting this study. We also thank Iris Baum, Sevil Essig, Uschi Maile, Stefanie Schroth and Marion Tomo for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by th...
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KLF2 expression and that GT3 also plays a key role in KLF2Woeveforeuxnpdretshsaiot na.torTvraasntsactirnipitniodnucfeasctKorLFK2LeFx2p, rweshsiiochn ahnads athnatit-fiGbTro3tiacl,soanptlia-tyhsroamkbeoytirco, leanind Kae(atKpaeaeehCnntnnxtsrLLhhesophdddhFFeaemTrIaoo2r2yPreenMttoo,osn...
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The disruption of these components may have a deleterious effect on gastric homeostasis, leading to disorders such as gastric cancer [21]. However, the mechanism by which this occurs remains unknown and requires further study. Acid production by parietal cells is also controlled by several factors ...