April 18, 2007~ This is the most worrying of my Vitamin B12 and Fingernails pictures. Although my thumb nail is faint you can see that it has a sort of chasm in it. I’ve never seen this before. I’ve been so stressed by trying to stay warm, and the days are so short without e...
Health Avoiding Vitamin D Deficiency: How to Keep Your Immunity Up -- Is Artificial Intake Bad? The year 2020 has taken a toll on our sunlight exposure -- risking most of us from Vitamin D deficiency. by Teejay BorisHealth Experts Explain How Boosting Vitamin D Can Help Prevent Coronavirus...
Vitamin A is an essential substance that humans must consume for health. People with vitamin A deficiency typically have a lower...
Avitaminosis is a group of conditions or diseases that are caused by a chronic or long-term deficiency in at least one vitamin...
Also, vitamin D3 deficiency is responsible for most autoimmune diseases. Be sure that you test your 25(OH)D3 levels. The level, if you are in a disease state, should be high normal in the normal range of 30 to 100 ng/ml (suggest 80 +/- 10 ng/ml). –Mark Pegram ...
Vitamin Ais used to prevent or treat low levels of the vitamin in people who do not get enough of it from their diets. Most people who eat a normal diet do not need extra vitamin A. However, some conditions (such as protein deficiency,diabetes,hyperthyroidism,liver/pancreasproblems) can cau...
维生素A 缺乏症(Vitamin A deficiency,VAD)仍然是全球范围内主要的营养缺乏症之一,特别是在发展中国家。目前,世界卫生组织(WHO)判断国家或地区VAD构成公共卫生问题严重程度的标准 (儿童血清视黄醇浓度 ≤0.70μmol/L或0.2mg/L) 为: 轻度:≥2%-<10%
Vitamin F is considered an "outdated term" because the term does not refer to a single chemical, and it does not refer to any amino (vital-amine) material. The fatty acid substitution position designations should be read "omega minus three," "omega minus six," etc. Omega is the last ...
In Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment, getting the RIGHT vitamin b 12 dosage is the key. Unfortunately, doctors will most often give a 'standard' dose of vitamin B12 that effectively corrects the low Vitamin B12 BLOOD LEVEL, but is often not the optimal vitamin b 12 dosage to make individual ...
Falsely low values can be seen with folate deficiency, pregnancy, myeloma, AIDS, and TC I deficiency. Serum folate levels decrease within a few days of low-folate diet; therefore, the determination of red blood cell (RBC) folate levels has been advocated as a better measure of folate tissue...