The only ingredient in vital wheat gluten flour should be ‘vital wheat gluten’, and it contains wheat. Coconut flour + vital wheat gluten flour nutritional facts Per 1/4 cup serving Coconut flour Vital wheat gluten flour All-purpose flour Calories 120 120 110 Carbs 18 g 4 g 23 g Fiber...
The use of the composition in the manufacture of both yeast and chemically leavened baked goods results in products which do not stale and have extended keeping qualities, are nutritionally superior due to high protein and dietary fiber content and are reduced in calories. Disclosed herein are ...
(coffee, sparking water, iced tea, even diet soda if you find the fake sugar is comforting). You can even chew a few sticks of sugarless gum, but the key is you consume very little to no outside calories. You are teaching your body to eat its own stores of energy, first glycogen,...
The use of the composition in the manufacture of both yeast and chemically leavened baked goods results in products which do not stale and have extended keeping qualities, are nutritionally superior due to high protein and dietary fiber content and are reduced in calories. Disclosed herein are ...