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Articles Basic Science Investigation nature publishing group Open mhyPpGoExSic-1reasnpdonpsroe,satangdlasnudrvinivEa2l: vital role in inflammation, Veronica Siljehav1, Annika Olsson Hofstetter1, Per-Johan Jakobsson2 and Eric Herlenius1 Background: Apnea associated with infection and inflammation is a...
Meta-analysis of association test statistics from multiple cohorts is a routine approach to increase sample sizes in GWAS based on SNP data when individual-level data cannot be analysed all together. SNPs that are assayed on commercial platforms are biallelic and well characterised in terms of expec...
The reported statistics is based on 3 h and 41 min of experimental data. After giving their informed written consents, 10 test subjects (volunteers) participated in this study. All test volunteers: 6 men (M1–M6) and 4 women (F1–F4) were tested in the supine body position. The MRI ...
The reported statistics is based on 3 h and 41 min of experimental data. After giving their informed written consents, 10 test subjects (volunteers) participated in this study. All test volunteers: 6 men (M1–M6) and 4 women (F1–F4) were tested in the supine body position. The MRI ...