Vital signsare of the utmost importance in assessingDKA. Peripheralvasodilationand vascular collapse can rapidly develop as theacidosisworsens. Patients can initially present with normal or altered mental status. Their neurological status should be monitored closely because this can deteriorate quickly. Typi...
Hormonal Regulation ( DKA + HHS) 14個詞語 Emily_Linzay 預覽 Environmental Emergencies Study Guide 22個詞語 ahernandez27245 預覽 ER - Abdominal Emergencies 117個詞語 clairemclaugh 預覽 BLS CPR 8個詞語 Jessicadg10 預覽 Chest Pain 26個詞語 elissagrace_oliver 預覽 Hypertension 149個詞語 RyanLaitinen ...
Aims To develop a prediction algorithm to rule out diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome (NKHS) based on vital signs for early triage of patients with diabetes. Methods The subjects were consecutive adult diabetic patients with hyperglycemia (blood glucose ≥250 mg/...
Assessing blood vessel perfusion and vital signs through retinal imaging photoplethysmography.doi:10.1364/boe.9.002351Harnani HassanSheila JaidkaVincent M. DwyerSijung HuOptical Society of AmericaBiomedical Optics Express