葡萄根瘤蚜拉丁文名: Viteus vitifoliae 英文名: grape phylloxera 同翅目(Homoptera)的一种黄绿色小昆虫,学名为Phylloxera vitifoliae。严重危害欧洲和美国西部的葡萄,吮吸葡萄的汁液,在叶上形成虫瘿,在根上形成小瘤,最终植株腐烂。根瘤蚜的一生分为无翅阶段和有翅阶段,前者行孤雌生殖;後者产雌、雄蚜,交配后雌...
Any variables with name started with % sign and any numbers that ended with % sign are considered as percentage values and can be used in adding and subtracting percentage from a value.Only + and - work with right hand side percentage value, e.g:...
Product quality is assured by the advanced equipment and scientific inspection instruments which can test the most whole required items. We have exported for many years and have many stable customers all over the world. Look forward to cooperating with you in the near ...
and flux-adjusting surface data nudging * observation nudging * spectral nudging * flux-adjusting surface data nudging - Software * Hierarchical software architecture that insulates scientific code (Model Layer) from computer architecture (Driver Layer) * Multi-level parallelism supporting shared-memory ...
It is composed of four major functional domains: A/B domain, a highly variable amino-terminal; C domain (DNA binding domain, DBD), a highly conserved zinc finger DNA-binding domain; D domain, a hinge domain; and E domain (Ligand Binding Domain or LBD). The VDR LBD plays an important ...
Protein concentration was determined using a BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Rockford, IL, USA). Sixty micrograms of protein were subjected to 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel, electroblotted onto PVDF membranes (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany), and incubated with specific ...
Writing: To write an e-mail to give advice Acting: To make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of some modern electronic devices Ⅲ. Goals for culture and emotions: 1. To know about the history of television and audio devices ...