➤ 维生素 D 缺乏,尤其是严重缺乏,与心血管事件(冠心病、中风、死亡率)、癌症(结肠直肠癌、肺癌和乳腺癌)和感染(包括 COVID-19)的风险增加独立相关。 ➤ 关于维生素 D 补充的研究,在研究人群、基线维生素 D 状态、维生素 D 剂量、钙的联合给药和干预持续时间方面,存在异质性。 ➤ 仅在与钙(1000~1200 ...
目前对维生素 D 充足性的估计似乎低估了银屑病患者最佳健康所需的血清 25(OH)D 浓度,而与不良事件相关的浓度似乎远高于目前对安全血清 25(OH)D 浓度的估计。基于这些观察结果,在治疗牛皮癣和其他与维生素 D 缺乏症密切相关的疾病(包括...
Classification of X-Ray chest images by vision transformers and covid-19 detection to use the Vision Transformer (VIT), which has recently been popular in computer vision applications, for Covid-19 detection using X-ray chest images. ... D Cvl,OO Karadag - 《Uludag University Journal of th...
"The manuscript “Covid-19 And Vit-D: Disease Mortality Negatively Correlates with Sunlight Exposure” (Lansiaux et al., 2020) held our attention as we found fatal shortcomings that invalidate the analyses and conclusions." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877584520300514 ...
与未提供组78/2949(2.6%)的参与者相比,较低剂量组55/1515(3.6%)(1.39,0.98~1.97)和较高剂量组45/1515(3.0%)(1.13,0.78~1.63)发生covid-19。 结果表明,在16岁及以上人群中,基线维生素 D不足状态的发生率较高,在人群水平实施维生素 D ...
我们似乎需要群体免疫来阻止Covid-19大流行。 我认为,政府不加干预的,听其自然的“群体免疫”是一被动的,高风险的措施。在没有任何保护的情况下让公众感染病毒,获得免疫似乎是不道德的,容易导致公众对政府的不满。 而在易感人群中推广足量维生素C,维生素D,锌,镁和其他维生素的使用将有助于减少受病毒感染后的...
Conclusions: Low serum zinc and 25-hydroxyvitmain D levels appear to be risk factors for COVID-19 affliction; thus, the treatment of individuals with such deficiencies is recommended.Ghanei, EsmatBaghani, MoeinMoravvej, HamidehTalebi, Atefeh...
"This means that elderly care home residents often do not get the vitamin D they require, leaving them at increased risk of falls," Williams explained. Vitamin D May Protect Against COVID-19 In the United States, the Institute of Medicine recommends 800 IU/day of vitamin D, and the Americ...
Due to the COVID19 pandemic, I wasn't able to execute these plans. Instead, in 2022 I organized the Geo+Code event as part of my Fellowship. 2018 - 2020. The EarthScope/GMT Analysis and Visualization Toolbox. Click for more information Authors: Wessel, P; Uieda, L; Smith-Konter...
2 Schwab VIT Growth Portfolio | Semiannual Report Schwab VIT Growth Portfolio Portfolio Management Zifan Tang, Ph.D., CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, is responsible for the co-management of the fund. Prior to joining Schwab in 2012, Ms. Tang was a product manager at Thomso...