芦荟, 绿茶, 乳木果油, 甘油, 玻尿酸, 维生素C, 烟酰胺, 维他命E, 胶原蛋白粉, 视黄醇, 蜗牛 成分 对羟基苯甲酸酯-无, 硅胶-免费, 无硫酸盐, 草本茶, 残酷免费, 纯素, 香水-免费 功能 再生, 去黑头, 去水肿, 去黑眼圈, 清爽保湿霜, 抗皱, 抗衰老祛皱, 美白, 紧肤, 滋润, 亮肤, 祛斑, 祛疤...
维生素C, 熊果苷, 烟酰胺, 维他命E, 视黄醇 成分 对羟基苯甲酸酯-无, 无硫酸盐, 草本茶, 残酷免费, 纯素, 无油润滑, 有机的, 香水-免费 功能 再生, 去黑眼圈, 清爽保湿霜, 抗皱, 抗衰老祛皱, 美白, 紧肤, 滋润, 亮肤 其他属...
Total protein, globulin and A/G ratio were significantly decreased in CCl4 treated rats while AST, ALT, ALP, total bilirubin, triglycerides total cholesterol, LDL-C and HDL-C levels were significantly increased (P < 0.01). W hereas non-significant change was observed in serum urea, creati ...