, Mechanisms of sensory working memory: Attention and performance XXV (pp. 105–119). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.Fukuda K, Woodman GF, Vogel EK (2015) Individual differences in visual working memory capacity: contributions of attentional control to stor- age. In: Mechanisms of sensory ...
1.Regarding to the question whether encoding relevant information cost extra fixation time, recent researches on on-line text processing by means of eyes tracking technology explored that prior knowledge andworking memory capacityare critical factors to perspective effect.目前对视角效应最新的眼动研究,围绕...
Visual working memory capacity is of great interest because it is strongly correlated with overall cognitive ability, can be understood at the level of neural circuits, and is easily measured. Recent studies have shown that capacity influences tasks ranging from saccade targeting to analogical reasoning...
视觉工作记忆(visual Working memory)指对非言语视觉信息的短时存储,是视觉信息接受进一步处理前的暂时存储。但是从事 … www.xueyunpiano.com|基于18个网页 2. 视觉记忆 自然哲学与原野精神 | Nature... ... 五、视觉记忆(visual working memory) 叁、感知组织与功能( perceptual processing) ... ...
Constrained by Our Connections: White Matter's Key Role in Interindividual Variability in Visual Working Memory Capacity et al. Constrained by our connections: white matter's key role in interindividual variability in visual working memory capacity. J Neurosci 34, 14913-... AM Golestani,L Miles,J...
The results indicate that individual visual working memory capacity can be reliably estimated in a change detection task. Furthermore, test-retest reliability was higher when the two tests occurred at the same time of day than at different times of day....
CAPACITYINFORMATIONVisual working memory (VWM), the system of storing, manipulating, and utilizing, visual information is fundamental to many cognitive acts. Exploring the limitations of this system is essential to understand the characteristics of higher-order cognition, since at a basic level, VWM...
In principle, the same logic could be applied to visual working memory. As perceptual grouping can increase the capacity of VWM, we might also observe beneficial effects on VWM if objects could be ‘grouped’ by depth, i.e., more objects could be retained in VWM across multiple depth pla...
Short-term memory storage and neural substrates; How visual working memory operates; Capacities of visual working memory; Constraints on cognitive and neurobiological models of temporary storage of visual information.LuckStevenJ.VogelEdwardK.NatureNature...
Almost all models of visual working memory—the cognitive system that holds visual information in an active state—assume it has a fixed capacity: Some models propose a limit of three to four objects, where others propose there is a fixed pool of resources for each basic visual feature. Recent...