在Native 或 WinForms 程式代碼中,環境字型可以在從SID_SUIHostLocale服務查詢介面之後呼叫 方法IUIHostLocale::GetDialogFont來存取。 針對Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF),請從殼層的DialogWindow類別衍生您的對話框窗口類別,而不是 WPF 的Window類別。
在Native 或 WinForms 代码中,可以通过从SID_SUIHostLocale服务查询接口后调用方法IUIHostLocale::GetDialogFont来访问环境字体。对于Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF),请从 shell 的 DialogWindow 类而不是 WPF 类 Window 派生对话窗口类。在XAML 中,代码如下所示:...
xmlns:vsui="clr-namespace:Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI;assembly=Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.14.0"<SetterProperty="RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode"Value="{x:Static vs:DpiHelper.BitmapScalingMode}"/> Visual Studio shell 已在顶级窗口和对话框中设置此属性。 在 Visual Studio 中运行的基于 WPF 的 U...
在Native 或 WinForms 程式代碼中,環境字型可以在從SID_SUIHostLocale服務查詢介面之後呼叫 方法IUIHostLocale::GetDialogFont來存取。 針對Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF),請從殼層的DialogWindow類別衍生您的對話框窗口類別,而不是 WPF 的Window類別。
Windows 8.1 DPI Scaling Enhancements Writing DPI-Aware Desktop and Win32 Applications WinForms scaling at large DPI settings – is it even possible? Programming for High-Res Displays in Windows Automatic Scaling in Windows Forms Per-Monitor DPI Aware in Windows Forms ...
Look into DPI Aware Windows Forms applications. DPI-Aware Basically, once you go past 125%, Windows by default takes over the scaling of your UI by having your application render its output to a bitmap and drawing that bitmap to the screen. The rescaling of that bit...
https://code4ward.net/2016/11/29/visual-studio-winforms-designer-on-highdpi/Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:18 AMIt works! Thanks!Sunday, August 19, 2018 2:14 PMVS 15.8 has added a solution. (I tried to post the link o the explanation, but Forums will not let me do so until my ...
Required if you use the IVsUIObject type Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.10.0.dll Required if you use the WinForms-related UI helpers EmbedInteropTypes should be set to true First steps (native)To use the image service, you need to include some or all of the following headers to yo...
Containers:A bevy of projects are underway to improve the .NET container experience, touching upon scaling, reduced size, increased startup and throughput performance, large page support and more. As far was what's new in .NET 6 Preview 1, that's all conveniently presented in a GitHub issue...
This class should be used by code running inside Visual Studio or other appids. The class provides public static properties and methods for easy binding/calling, and public static extension methods; the actual scaling implementation is delegated to the DpiHelper class from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Util...