1、vcpkg会把自己安装的包安装到vcpkg目录下面的installed目录中的某个目录中,头文件基本在:F:\dev\libcurl_dependence\vcpkg-master\installed\x64-windows\include中; 2、把这个目录配置到visual studio的头文件搜索路径中就可以支持了; 同样的道理,动态库也应该这么设置 vcpkg是一个C++库管理工具,用于在Windows、Li...
After you install or update Visual Studio with the vcpkg component checked, the package manager will be installed in your Visual Studio installation directory. You can run vcpkg commands directly from theDeveloper Command Prompt for Visual StudioorDeveloper PowerShell for Visual Studio. This also work...
If MSBuild detects a vcpkg.json file and manifests are enabled in your project, MSBuild installs the manifest's dependencies as a pre-build step. Dependencies are installed in a vcpkg_installed directory in the project's build output directory. Any headers installed by the library can be ...
Vcpkg提供了一套机制,可以全自动的适配目录,而开发者不需要关心已安装的库的目录在哪里,也不需要设置。这是Vcpkg的一大优势。 集成到全局 “集成到全局”适用于Visual Studio开发环境和msbuild命令行。执行命令: 1 .\vcpkg integrate install 当出现“Applied user-wide integration for this vcpkg root.”字样的时候...
2. 使用 vcpkg 安装 opencv (题外话:这边先和大家分析下我的辛酸历程,我首先输入的是 : .\vcpkg.exe install opencv,但是安装的过程中出现了多次 Error: Building package X failed with: BUILD_FAILED 类似的这样的错误,查阅了资料我也没有头绪,后来就认真看错误解释,发现出现这个问题之后,你选择的解决方案要依...
透過vcpkg 套件管理員可取得超過900 個 C++ 開放原始碼 連結庫。 執行 Visual Studio 整合步驟,以設定您從任何 Visual Studio 專案參考該程式庫時的路徑。如需使用 vcpkg 套件管理員所下載連結庫的詳細資訊,請參閱:CMake 專案中的 vcpkg 在Visual Studio 中搭配 CMake 安裝和使用套件 MSBuild 專案中的 vcpkg ...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Vcpkg vcpkg 套件管理員 17.12.35410.122 推薦 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows11SDK.22621 Windows 11 SDK (10.0.22621.0) 17.12.35410.122 推薦 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows11Sdk.WindowsPerformanceToolkit Windows Performance Toolkit 17.12.35410.122 推薦 Microsoft.Vis...
I am using Windows 10 21H2. I installed the magnum package using vcpkg install magnum. I then ran vcpkg integrate install. Both commands completed successfully. However, Visual Studio 2022 gave an error when trying to include the library...
This behavior began after I installed vcpkg and used it to get the cURL package. I am not using the cURL libraries for this project, however. If it matters, I can access Visual Studio 2022 Developer PowerShell v17.6.5 from the VS menu Tools / Command Line / Developer Power Shell. ...
在Visual Studio 2022 17.4中,vcpkg环境现在会自动激活。 一个vcpkg环境是由一个manifest文件描述的,该文件捕获了构建应用程序所必需的工件(了解更多关于vcpkg工件的信息)。 当前vcpkg工件的体验主要是针对嵌入式开发人员,但我们最终将扩展到所有的C++开发场景。