本教學課程第 1 部分的計算機主控台應用程式。 vs-tutorial-samples 存放庫中的C# 計算機應用程式。 若要開始使用,請從存放庫開啟應用程式。新增另一個專案真實世界程式碼牽涉到專案在方案中共同作業。 您可以將類別庫專案新增至計算機應用程式,以提供一些計算機函式。在Visual Studio 中,您可以使用功能表命令 [檔案]...
在Visual Studio 安裝程式 中,選取 ASP.NET 和 Web 開發工作負載。 在Visual Studio 安裝程式中選取 [修改]。 系統可能會提示您儲存工作。 選取 [ 繼續] 以安裝工作負載。 返回此「建立專案」程式中的步驟 2。 在[設定新專案] 視窗中,於 [專案名稱] 欄位中輸入 MyCoreApp。 然後選取下一步。 在[ 其他...
Follow this tutorial to learn how to create a new WPF app for .NET with Visual Studio 2022. WPF apps run on Windows.
Tutorial paso a paso Creación de una aplicación web con ASP.NET CoreRazor Pages Desarrollo de juegos con Unity Ver Serie de vídeos de Unity 101. Ver cómo codificar, depurar y publicar juegos con Unity y C# Guías Conocerdesarrollo de juegos en Visual Studio con Unity. ...
Visual Studio Tutorial - Free Beginner and Advanced Tutorials, Articles, Projects and Source Code for Software Developers, Professionals and Architects
Run Visual Studio under the Experimental Hive To test your VSPackage extensions, you'll run Visual Studio under the experimental hive. This will start Visual Studio but specify a different part of the Windows registry to use for its registration information. By default, when you install the Visu...
Tutorial paso a paso Creación de una aplicación web con ASP.NET CoreRazor Pages Desarrollo de juegos con Unity Ver Serie de vídeos de Unity 101. Ver cómo codificar, depurar y publicar juegos con Unity y C# Guías Conocerdesarrollo de juegos en Visual Studio con Unity. ...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Python 3 in Visual Studio Code to create, run, and debug a Python "Roll a dice!" application, work with virtual environments, use packages, and more! By using thePython extension, you turn VS Code into a great, lightweight Python editor. ...
In this tutorial, you configure Visual Studio Code to use the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler and debugger on Windows. After configuring VS Code, you will compile and debug a simple Hello World program in VS Code. This tutorial does not teach you details about the Microsoft C++ toolset or the...
This Visual Studio Code tutorial will be using VS Code 1.53.2. If the instruction and screenshots look a little different, chances are you’re using a new version. All effort has been made to focus on the less version-specific aspects of VS Code, though. ...