1. 打开Visual Studio的Git Changes窗口。通常可以通过点击菜单栏中的"视图"(View)> "团队资源管理器"(Team Explorer)或者使用快捷键Ctrl + 0来打开。 2. 在Git Changes窗口中,找到你想要撤回的提交。它应该显示在一个列表中,最新的提交在最上面。 3. 右键点击你想要撤回的提交,然后选择"撤销提交"(Undo Commi...
With this bug fix, a client can now use the bootstrapper in a layout and pass in the --noWeb parameter to install on a client machine and ensure that both the installer and the Visual Studio product are downloaded only from the layout. Previously, sometimes during the installation process...
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk v17.10.40171 Commit changes made during the transaction. ILinkedUndoContext.BeginTransaction and ILinkedUndoTransaction.Commit/ILinkedUndoTransaction.Abort are always called in pairs. The implemen...
Determines if the undo unit applies to UI items only. See IVsUndoUnit.C++/WinRT 复制 [Windows::Foundation::Metadata::WebHostHidden] class VsUndoUnitClass : Microsoft::VisualStudio::TextManager::Interop::VsUndoUnitInheritance Object VsUndoUnitClass ...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Operations Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Logic.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Logic v17.12.215 Holds the state of the transaction. C++/CX复制 publicenumclassUndoTransactionState Inheritance Enum UndoTransactionState ...
Roll back a commit to undo a check-in more easily Monitor or cancel long-running Git operations 可使用 Ant 或是 Maven 進行 Java code 的 Build - on the build controller to build Java code managed in a Git repository (requiresTeam Explorer Everywhere (TEE) Update 1) ...
3)提交步骤a (加入暂存区) 再次点击菜单“Git”中的“Commit”提交命令,现在提交窗口中显示需要提交的文件大大减少,比如 ***.suo 文件就已经被 git 忽略掉了。 这时候如果直接点击“提交”命令,则出现如下提示窗口,意思是“还没有文件在暂存区中。需要暂存并马上提交所有文件吗?” ...
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop v17.12.40391 Identifies property settings for a solution.C++/CX Copy public enum class __VSPROPIDInheritance Enum __VSPROPID ...
OutliningUndoEnabled 決定大綱是否可復原的選項定義。 OverwriteMode 定義覆寫模式的檢視選項。 PredefinedAdornmentLayers 這個靜態類別會定義編輯器預先定義的裝飾層名稱。 PredefinedMarginNames 指定Visual Studio 提供之預先定義的邊界名稱。 PredefinedTextViewRoles ...
IGraphUndoData Data access interface to get a hold of the data inside the undo unit IHasGraphOwner An interface for objects that have an owning Graph object. IMergeableUndo This Interface represents one Mergable graph change which appears on the VS undo stack. IReadOnlyCollection<T> Sim...