#blog-archives article { margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } Speed up the XAML editor in Visual Studio Find References and Changes with CodeLens …
This also helps when you are about to make a change to one of the classes and aren’t sure what code might be affected by your change.If you have any tricks for checking code dependencies or navigating through code, please share! I’ll keep all the VIsual Studio tips a...
Visual Studio.NET是一个高度定制化的IDE。并不想浪费纸张来介绍常用的功能和动作和控件和修改你的项目和解决方案。这章的技巧覆盖以下内容:从解决方案资源管理器到窗体位置,从管理宏和修改菜单项到IDE中很少被人知道但缺是非常有用的技巧。 用缺省的动作打开 双击解决方案资源管理器中的文件将在缺省的编辑器中打开。
Prefer a video? You can watch the VS Code Day talksVisual Studio Code tips and tricksorElevate your VS Code experience. Basics Getting started The best way of exploring VS Code hands-on is to open theWelcomepage and then pick aWalkthroughfor a self-guided tour through the setup steps, fe...
堆栈痕迹是一个众所周知的工具已经存在Visual Studio中很长时间了。堆栈痕迹窗口的好处就是你能双击堆栈时VS.NET立即跳转到你的程序中方法调用处。这允许你验证你如何到达当前的执行点和察看传递到方法的参数。 大多数开发者不知道的就是你能定制堆栈调用窗口。如果你右击调用堆栈你能定制它的外貌(见图57)。除此之...
Here are my top 11 tips and tricks for getting things done faster with the Visual Studio 2005 IDE (without using third-party add-ins or upgrading hardware… that’s another article). Yes, some of these tips and tricks may fall into the “obvious” category, but I think they are worth ...
Whether you are new or have been using Visual Studio for years, there are a bunch of tips and tricks that can make you more productive. We’ve been sharing tips on Twitter using the#vstip hashtagfor a while, and this is a collection of the best ones so far. ...
Visual Studio 2013: Using Box Selection and Zero-Length Box SelectionThis is a collection of about 4 or 5 tips I wrote on using Box Selection for my book a while back. I...Date: 07/15/2013Team Foundation Server 2013 Preview - Upgrade FAQFor those that are installing TFS 2013, here ...
GitHub Copilot functions as a coding GPS, guiding you through software development in Visual Studio. In our new short video, Bruno Capuano shows how this smart coding assistant boosts coding efficiency and quality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq8JNP... Visual StudioTips and TricksGitHub...
Preview and identify code faster with the enhanced scroll bar feature added in Visual Studio 2013 Find more Visual Studio tips and trickshere Fans of Sublime will be happy to see new feature in Visual Studio 2013. The enhanced scroll bar highlights and previews code in your file. This post ...