测试资源管理器(Test Explorer)未发现动态定义的测试(例如,理论、自定义适配器、自定义属性和 #ifdef 语句)。 如何确保它发现这些测试? 生成项目以运行基于程序集的发现。 实时测试发现是基于源的测试发现。 它无法发现使用理论、自定义适配器、自定义特征、#ifdef语句等的测试,因为它们是在运行时定义的。 需要进行...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Explorer.Extensions 命名空間包含的類型可讓您用來取得內建伺服器總管節點的相關詳細資訊,代表 SharePoint 網站上的個別元件,例如代表清單、欄位或內容類型的節點。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Extending the SharePoint Connections Node in Server Explorer (在伺服器總管...
One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need.
The Testing API allows Visual Studio Code extensions to discover tests in the workspace and publish results. Users can execute tests in the Test Explorer view, from decorations, and inside commands. With these new APIs, Visual Studio Code supports richer displays of outputs and diffs than was pr...
英文| 翻译| 杨小爱 Visual Studio Code ( VS Code )是一个知名且评价很高的代码编辑器,具有大量功能和扩展以增强开发体验。使用 VS Code ...
This is not the latest version of Visual Studio. To download the latest release, please visit the Visual Studio site. Support Timeframe Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 is the final supported servicing baseline for Visual Studio 2017 and has entered the extended support period. Enterprise and Profe...
VisualStudio.Extensibility 通过消除手动维护单独的元数据文件的需要,已经使您更容易配置扩展。现在,我们在此基础上构建了 Diagnostics Explorer,它可以让您准确地看到 Visual Studio 发现了哪些扩展和组件,以及每个发现项的配置。 例如,如果您没有在 IDE 中看到命令,您可以使用命令选项卡 Diagnostics Explorer 查看已贡献...
incidents de support technique pour vos problèmes de développement/test Explorer les options Nouveautés de l’équipe Visual Studio Dominic Nahous 01/30/2025 Customizing collapsed text Indicators Visual Studio 2022 introduces new options for customizing the collapsed text indicator, which helps in dis...
JavaScript and TypeScript testing is now available in the Visual Studio Test Explorer NPM GUI available, so you can now download NPM modules the same way you download Nuget packages.NET 6 SDKThe .NET 6 SDK is included in Visual Studio 2022 ....
Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentGroup.WebToolsExtensions ASP.NET 和 Web 開發 17.13.35710.127 必填 Component.VisualStudio.GitHub.Copilot GitHub Copilot 17.13.35806.99 推薦 Microsoft.Component.Azure.DataLake.Tools Azure Data Lake 和串流分析工具 17.13.35710.127 推薦 Microsoft.Net.Component.4.8.TargetingPack ...