仅限 GitHub 帐户。 让Copilot 免费版和 Visual Studio 2022 帮助你生成和重构代码、调试代码、识别 bug 和解决方法、优化性能,并在整个编码工作流中获取特定于上下文的帮助。无试用版。 无需信用卡。仅限 GitHub 帐户。 下载Visual Studio 免费开始试用 详细了解 Visual Studio 中的 GitHub ...
Visual Studio的主要特点包括: 拉取请求(Pull Request):拉取请求是一种协作开发的方式,它允许开发者在代码仓库中创建一个分支,进行修改和改进,并向主分支提交请求,以便其他开发者审查和合并代码。 创建和擦除的stash:在开发过程中,有时需要暂存当前的修改,以便切换到其他任务或分支。Visual Studio提供了stash...
对于存储,Visual Studio提供了Azure Storage等云存储服务的支持,可以进行文件存储、数据库存储和对象存储等操作。 对于区块链,Visual Studio提供了Azure Blockchain Workbench等工具和平台,可以进行区块链应用的开发和部署。 对于元宇宙,Visual Studio可以作为开发工具,用于创建和开发虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)应用。 ...
Get information on the latest release features, bug fixes, and support for Visual Studio 2019 v8.8 for Mac. Download today.
This release introduces the Git Changes window from Visual Studio (Windows). As you do your work, Visual Studio for Mac keeps track of the file changes to your project in the Changes section of the Git Changes window. When it nears time to commit your work, you can use this window to ...
Finally, we have added a checkbox to resolve all conflicts on one side or the other with a single click. Try the new features by toggling the Preview Feature for New Git user experience in Tools > Options. Improved Git Functionality in Visual Studio 2019 under the Tools Menu, image...
Get information on the latest release features, bug fixes, and support for Visual Studio 2019 v8.8 for Mac. Download today.
For new projects, you can initialize the Git repository and push it to be hosted on GitHub with a single click. Once the code is loaded in Visual Studio, the new Git tool window consolidates all the Git operations having to do with your code....
Adds a Show Stashes command (gitlens.showQuickStashList) to show a quick pick menu to explore your stashes Quick Status Access # Adds a Show Repository Status command (gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus) to show a quick pick menu to for visualizing the current repository status Interactive Rebase Ed...
Learn more about the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.KnownImageIds.Stash in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging namespace.