6. [Certificates (Local Computer)] > [Personal] > [Certificates], 选择 Firendly Name 为“IIS Express Development Certificate” 的 localhost 证书,右键 Copy. 7. [Trusted Root Certification Authorities] > [Certificates] > 右键 > [Paste] 8. 重启浏览器,Visual Studio 重新运行你的 Program, 完!
title:The system URL is using a self-signed security certificate 在使用 Visual Studio Code 创建 SAP UI5 项目时,遇到 The system URL is using a self-signed security certificate 的错误提示,表示你尝试连接的系统使用了自签名的 SSL 证书。自签名证书通常不被浏览器信任,因为它们没有经过权威的证书颁...
6. [Certificates (Local Computer)] > [Personal] > [Certificates], 选择 Firendly Name 为“IIS Express Development Certificate” 的 localhost 证书,右键 Copy. 7. [Trusted Root Certification Authorities] > [Certificates] > 右键 > [Paste] 8. 重启浏览器,Visual Studio 重新运行你的 Program, 完!
原文见:http://www.sql-programmers.com/debugging-ssl-website-visualstudio2010.aspx,介绍得非常详细了 1. Create your Web Site in IIS a. Open IIS b. Right click on Web Sites folder c. Choose “Add Web Site” d. Enter the details of your Web Site 2. Set up a self-signed certificate i...
透過SSL 連線時,Visual Studio 會警告可能的憑證問題。 動作:您可以忽略訊息並繼續。 警告 請記住,儘管該頻道仍被加密以防範竊聽,但可能會被中間人攻擊。 Visual Studio 顯示遠端憑證不受信任警告。 問題:憑證未正確加入信任的根 CA。 動作:重新檢查將憑證新增到 Windows 電腦上受信任的根CA 的步驟,然後再次嘗...
It configures HTTP.SYS toreserve ports 44300 through 44399 for SSL. Incoming SSL requests that use localhost and one of the ports in the specified range are automatically associated with the self-signed certificate. (HTTP.SYS is an operating system component that handles SSL for IIS and IIS Exp...
It configures HTTP.SYS toreserve ports 44300 through 44399 for SSL. Incoming SSL requests that use localhost and one of the ports in the specified range are automatically associated with the self-signed certificate. (HTTP.SYS is an operating system component that handles SSL for IIS and IIS Exp...
I try to create a edge module, my linux machine edge gateway is success and device is online in IoTHub. I am using this device connection string to create a custom IoT Edge module with simulator from visualstudio, when i run the solution it always throws
During the upgrade to Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, IIS Express installs a new SHA256 self-signed certificate into the Certificates (Local Computer)\Personal\Certificates folder. However, because there is already a certificate installed in the Certificates - Current User\Trusted Root Certificati...
Get a code signing certificate Signing a VSIX with Sign CLI Related content Extension assemblies don't need to be signed before they can run in Visual Studio, but it's a good practice to do so. Adding a digital signature to a VSIX package secures your extension and prevents tampering....